Con ten ts
october 2012
online only
Cover Story
28 Venue 365
By Kristen Domonell
Multiuse facilities let campuses do more, around the clock and with less cost.
F e at u r e S
• neW: “Tweeting the Big Picture: Three Social Media Trends Universities Should Adopt,” by Duke Chung. Just because your institution maintains a Facebook page and a twitter account does not mean that you’re utilizing social media channels to the maximum benefit of your college or university. • neW: “The Green College and University: A Symbiotic Journey,” by richard J. sobelsohn. Colleges around the globe are turning green for both social and economic reasons. However, going green (and staying green) may involve many legal issues with which a college or university may never have dealt with before. • neW: “A New Era in Lab Safety: Managing Risk, Creating a Culture of Safety, and Reducing Energy Costs and Climate Impact,” by Adam steinman. While universities are putting increased emphasis on their lab safety programs, they also continue to strive to reduce their carbon footprints and the high energy costs associated with laboratories, which can use up to five times more energy than nonlab spaces. institutional leaders who are looking at lab safety and reducing energy usage in a comprehensive and collaborative manner are finding that the two goals are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
36 not your Parents’
By ron sCHACHter
Campus Bookstore
Economic realities and innovative merchandising are transforming the traditional campus bookstore.
43 Crm Grows Up
By Ann mCClUre
Reaching beyond admissions to cover the entire student lifecycle.
COmmuNITY COLLEGEs 52 Where the Workers Are
By sAmAntHA DrAKe
Community colleges are creating customized workforce development programs to address the shortage of skilled workers in the U.S.
CAmpus FINANCE 60 the Payment Plan
By mArCiA lAyton tUrner
Managing and marketing tuition installment plans.
4 | October 2012
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of University Business - October 2012