Winds of Change - College 2016 - 8

Aaron Waubanascum MENOMINEE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON Mechanical Engineering I grew up in De Pere, Wis., a small city just outside Green Bay. While I was attending De Pere High School, I got my first introduction to chemistry and physics. I was very interested in the practical application of both fields, especially in relationship to energy as heat. My interest in science even found its way into my personal life, as taking care of my own car maintenance was something I enjoyed since I first owned one at age 16. I decided to pursue an education in mechanical engineering as it offers versatile applications and combines my interest in science and mechanics. My parents encouraged me to take on the toughest challenges in academics and made sure that I was enrolled in schools that would give me the best education they could afford. My father, Michael Waubanascum, graduated from Fox Valley Technical College and is currently a welder in Green Bay. My mother, Tammy LaTender, holds a BA in psychology and a master's in counseling. Their encouragement gave me a great deal of self-confidence in school. I had my first college experience at Marquette University, in Milwaukee. While attending Marquette I gave less than minimal effort and was academically suspended after my third semester. I then enrolled in the College of Menominee Nation. After one semester there, I decided I didn't want to be in school and enlisted in the Marine Corps. 8 WINDS OF CHANGE * 2016-2017 SPECIAL COLLEGE ISSUE I spent five years in the USMC. The fit seemed natural as my family on my father's side was very military oriented. In fact, I am a third-generation United States Marine. My experience with the USMC shaped my understanding of life through my interaction with other cultures, specifically in Southeast Asia. And through that experience I've gained the ability to lead and an appreciation for good communication with regard to teamwork. As a leader, I learned the importance of creating new leaders through effective instruction and feedback. Most important, I learned to communicate with people who don't possess my level of technical competence. After my service, I was motivated to go back to school and reenrolled at the College of Menominee Nation, where I participated in the National Science Foundation-funded PEEC (Pre-Engineering Education Collaborative) Program. That program smooths the way for associate degree engineering students to further their educations. From there I transferred to the mechanical engineering program at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. To make sure I reached my educational goal this time around, I decided that during my first year as a student at UW I wanted to focus strictly on academics. The whole process has been a challenge in finding my academic road to my goal, but I am finally where I want to be as a student. My biggest obstacle has always been asking myself if it's worth getting out of bed every day to pursue this goal. There is always that question in the back of my mind of whether or not I will see this as worth all the time and effort I put in once I've actually finished. But I'm very determined, driven, and motivated - it may sound self-centered, but the last person I want to disappoint in all this is myself. Students who hope to attend college should find their reason to go before they get there. There are plenty of people with degrees who are miserable, unemployed, or employed in something that doesn't even resemble what they were originally interested in. If a student knows what they want and it's worth the effort, they will do just fine in college. For myself, I want to work in the automotive industry. I love cars and have for a very long time. The idea of becoming an engineer who helps in the process of creating efficient cars is very satisfying to me. - As told to William Rosenthal COURTESY OF BRIAN C. NÚÑEZ The Student BODY

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Winds of Change - College 2016

Winds of Change - College 2016 - Cover1
Winds of Change - College 2016 - Cover2
Winds of Change - College 2016 - Contents
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 2
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 3
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 4
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 5
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 6
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 7
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 8
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 9
Winds of Change - College 2016 - 10
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Winds of Change - College 2016 - Cover3
Winds of Change - College 2016 - Cover4