ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 5

Annual Disclosure

ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Overview
We’ll Help You Get the Job Done
Fee information Assistance from the Principal Financial Group
The Principal works to go above and beyond to help you get the job done. Our goal is to make disclosure easier for you by using existing communication vehicles wherever possible so disclosure information can be incorporated into materials that you’re already using, including:
•	 Updated education workbooks

Newly Eligible Disclosure

Quarterly Disclosure

REQuIRED DISClOSuRES: An explanation of any plan-level fees for general plan administrative services that may be charged against participant accounts, including quarterly disclosure of the actual dollar amount charged and a description of the services to which the charges relate An explanation of any fees that may be charged to the account of specific participants (e.g., loan fees, QDRO fees), including quarterly disclosure of the actual dollar amount charged and the services to

Communicating Changes

for initial disclosure
•	 Additional detail in participant statements •	 Templates for communicating changes

ERISA 404(a) participant disclosure regulation overview

which the charges relate A general glossary of terms to assist participants in understanding the plan’s investment options


Create a disclosure reference guide customized to your plan anniversary date

•	 Both plan-level and participant-level fees must

be disclosed initially and on an annual basis.
•	 On a quarterly basis, the actual dollar

We have also created a sample annual notice for you to review and provide to your eligible participants if it meets the regulation’s requirements for your plan. See the other sections of the Resource Center for additional details and action steps to help you comply, plus tools and materials for you and your participants. For full details, see the DOL’s Final ERISA 404(a) Participant Regulation.
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Access participant education materials

amount of fees (other than investment expense) collected from the participant’s account balance must be disclosed.
•	 Thirty days advance notice of changes to

Frequently asked questions

the fee information must be given to plan participants.

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ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center

ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 1
ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 2
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