ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 6

Annual Disclosure

Providing annual disclosure to eligible participants
Newly Eligible Disclosure Quarterly Disclosure Communicating Changes
Once per plan year, you must provide plan, investment and fee information to all participants who are eligible to direct investments in the plan (eligible participants). Information you can use to help meet this requirement is included in the sample ERISA 404 Retirement Plan and Investment Information notice (Annual Disclosure) The Principal has created for you to review and use if you determine it meets your requirements. This is the same information that is included in education workbooks you provide to newly eligible employees. NoTE: Access a list of your eligible participants you have reported to us for recordkeeping purposes by following these instructions. Generally, you can provide the Annual Disclosure at any time during the plan year; however, there is special timing that must be met for the first disclosure.

AcTIoN: Your first Annual Disclosure
after the regulation takes effect must be given by the later of August 30, 2012, or 60 days after the plan’s anniversary date that occurs on or after November 1, 2011.

» Create a disclosure reference guide
customized to your plan anniversary date. NoTE: The majority of plans operate on a calendar year basis; those plan sponsors will be required to provide the first participant disclosure by August 30, 2012. We anticipate industry-wide media attention on the regulation as the effective date approaches this summer, which may cause participants to question how the regulation may impact them. Due to this attention, we are making tools and resources available to all plan sponsors at this time and encourage you to start preparing now to provide disclosure to your participants in July or August of 2012.
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ERISA 404(a) participant disclosure regulation overview

« View an example.
NoTE: Remember, eligible participants include: • Any participant currently contributing to the plan or receiving contributions • Any participant who is eligible for the plan but is not currently contributing • Any participant who previously was contributing but has stopped


Create a disclosure reference guide customized to your plan anniversary date

Access participant education materials

Frequently asked questions

• Terminated employees with account balances • Beneficiaries of deceased participants with account balances • Alternate payees

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ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center

ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 1
ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 2
ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 3
ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 4
ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 5
ERISA 404(a) Participant Disclosure Regulation Resource Center - 6
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