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medical centers provide some limited skilled nursing, and a few may also provide some unskilled help in your home. Funds may be available specifically for bowel and bladder care. Ask your hospital benefits counselor or SCI center social worker for more information. State vocational rehabilitation agencies In rare instances, a vocational program may include coverage for attendant care. Home health services Home health care is typically based on a need for skilled care as defined by state and federal regulations. A physician’s order is required. Depending on the funding source, you may also be able to get some additional unskilled assistance. Home health care may be skilled nursing or related to your occupational or physical therapy. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations [JCAHO] certifies home health agencies that meet its standards; ask about this certification when you’re researching an agency. the paperwork and delay in the payroll process can result in your former attendant getting an extra paycheck or a long delay in the new attendant’s first paycheck. Ask your funding source whether it requires your attendant to declare the income on federal, state, or city taxes. As a matter of courtesy, inform your attendants of any taxes they must pay at the time you employ them. Your Responsibilities When You Pay Noncash Wages If you reimburse the attendant with noncash wages, you can deduct them from your income taxes. As you can see from Table 2.f.C, both the paperwork and the taxes to employer and employee are considerably less with noncash wages. However, more homework is necessary— the IRS has specific rules for deducting meals and lodging as medical expenses. One of the simplest forms of noncash wages is a room in your home in exchange for services. For example, you decide that you need to hire two attendants. You rent a two-bedroom apartment, take one bedroom for yourself, give the other to your two attendants, and have them split the duties. You pay them in some combination of room, board, utilities, and other benefits. Before deciding what to offer, you may want to explore what is medically deductible. The cost of any commodity beyond what you and your family would need might be medically deductible. For example, if you would normally need a onebedroom apartment, but you have to rent a two-bedroom apartment for the attendants, the cost difference between the one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments might be deductible. Likewise, the cost of additional food, electric power, and so on may be deductible. You may want to limit your noncash wages to deductible items. Your Responsibilities When You Pay Cash Wages If you’re receiving funds to pay your attendant, the funding source will probably tell you: What payment records you must keep. In what way and how often you will receive this aid. What procedure they suggest you use in paying your attendant[s]. The funding source may want the names and Social Security numbers of each attendant so it can pay them directly. Try to persuade your funding source away from this plan. When a check comes automatically to an attendant, it takes away some of your leverage as an employer to bargain with the attendant. Also, if you change attendants, [ 114 ] | Yes, You Can!
Yes You Can - Fourth Edition
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Yes You Can - Fourth Edition
Yes You Can - Fourth Edition
Table of Contents
Section 1. How SCI Affects Your Body
1.a Anatomy, Physiology, and Research
1.b Skin Care and Pressure Ulcers
1.c Respiratory Care
1.d Bladder Management
1.e Bowel Management
1.f Sexual Health and Reproduction
1.g Muscles and Bones
1.h Circulatory System
1.i Autonomic Dysreflexia
Section 2. Maximizing Your Function
2.a Expected Outcomes
2.b Equipment
2.c Limb Preservation and Posture
2.d Home Modifications
2.e Driver Rehabilitation and Training
2.f Attendant Management
Section 3. Coping and Living with SCI
3.a Transitions
3.b Psychosocial Adjustment
3.c Mental Health Conditions
3.d Community Resources
3.f Financial Planning
3.g Your Rights
3.h Pain
3.i Brain Injury
Section 4. Staying Healthy after SCI
4.a Recreation
4.b Nutrition and Weight
4.c Exercise
4.d Medications
4.e Alcohol and Substance Abuse
4.f Health Care
4.g Aging
4.h Disasters
Appendix A: Range-of-Motion Exercises
Appendix B: Resource Organizations
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Yes You Can - Fourth Edition - Appendix B: Resource Organizations
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