SIGNATURE COLLECTION ´ ESSENTIAL COLLECTION ELEVATE COLLECTION 0 MANY POSSIBILITIES. ONE MARVIN. Marvin is driven to create better ways of living with every window and door they make. They help create homes that inspire healthier, happier lives by bringing more natural light and fresh air into homes. Like Marvin, GR Mitchell puts people at the center of everything we do. Our consultants guide you through the selection of the perfect windows and doors for your project. Our priority is your comfort and satisfaction with your purchase decisions. 14 Beaver Valley Pike, Willow Street, PA 17584 717-464-2999 HW]OHUVKRZHG XVGLৼHUHQW LGHDVIRU WKHH[WHULRURIWKH WKHH[WH KRPHDQGRSWLRQVIRU KRPHD WKHDGGLWLRQXVLQJ WKHDGG FRPSXWHUL]HGG FRPSXW UHQGHULQJV,WZDVYHU\ UHQGHUL KHOSIXOWRVHHWKLQJV LQVFDOHDQGWRJHWD YLHZIURPPDQ\DQJOHV )RUH[DPSOHXVLQJ FRPSXWHUL]HGLPDJHV 7LPZDVDEOHWRTXLFNO\ VKRZXVDOWHUQDWLYH ZLQGRZGHVLJQRSWLRQV LQFOXGLQJKLVVXJJHVWLRQ WRDGGZLQGRZVWRWKH DGGLWLRQ VZLQGRZOHVV ZDOOIDFLQJWKHVWUHHW +LVGDXWRPDWLRQZRUN ZDVYHU\KHOSIXOLQ DVVLVWLQJXVWRYLVXDOL]H WKLQJVDQGPDNLQJ FULWLFDOGHFLVLRQV +RPHRZQHU'LDQD