Horace Mann - Spring 2012 - (Page 32)

Alumni Council Corner alumni council corner | HOR ACE MANN ALUMNI JOURNAL ’49 who taught, coached and served as an administrator at Horace Mann for over 30 years, following a 20-year career It is with great pride that I write to you, of distinguished service as a Major in the U.S. Marines. as the Horace Mann School Alumni Ever since leaving “active duty” at Horace Mann School, Council (HMAC) joins the entire Horace Dan has continued to serve as co-class Chair for the Class Mann School community in commemo- of 1949 and director of the annual alumni soccer game at rating the 125th anniversary of our school. Homecoming, which is now named in his honor. The 125th Observances in honor of the 1887 anniversary of Horace Mann School provided the perfect founding of Horace Mann School began at the start of the opportunity to present Dan Alexander with the Award for 2011-2012 school year, as the Alumni Council and the Alumni Distinguished Service. House and Development Office launched new programs to This year the Alumni Council joined the Parents Association keep alumni connected with one another, and with our school. in organizing Horace Mann School’s 125th anniversary celebraOne new initiative is a series of panel discussions for tion, to be held at the school on May 19, 2012. It was inspiring young alumni seeking to learn about various careers from to see how many people love Horace Mann so deeply. alumni experienced in these fields. Members of the Alumni Remember to watch your mail and e-mail, or your Alumni Council this year hosted workshops on hedge funds and on App, to keep informed about alumni activities, by reading real estate investing, with more such seminars, covering dif- HM’s online newsletter “Across the Divisions” when it hits ferent professions, now in the works. your inbox, and by keeping up with alumni news and with Homecoming in October had several added dimensions, news of the school at www.horacemann.org. If you would like including a “Golden Alumni” reunion for alums who graduto become more involved with Horace Mann School, or have ated from Horace Mann 50 or more years ago. It was great any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at justin_lerer@ to see these graduates on campus, until the gathering was horacemann.org. I look forward to hearing from you and seeinterrupted by heavy snow! ing you soon. The Alumni Council hosted its annual Winter Gathering in February, bringing alumni together to enjoy conversation and Justin Lerer ’95 cocktails, and to greet one another at the start of the new year. Alumni Council President Another new event on the alumni calendar is one that, even if you missed it, you can still experience. This year, the VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Alumni House launched a series of webcasts through which Horace Mann School’s alumni have many opportunities to our own HM faculty members explore topics of interest in a volunteer on behalf of their school. Among these are servconversation online that enables alumni to go back into the ing as a Class Agent, a Class Correspondent, an Annual classroom and experience again how their former teachers Fund Parent Grade Representative, or as a Summer Job/ teach. You can still enjoy these webcasts, and those to come, Internship Provider. These and other opportunities are deon the Alumni section of the Horace Mann School webscribed at http://www.horacemann.org/page.cfm?p=356 site at http://www.horacemann.org/ page.cfm?p=1198. If these initiatives were not enough, the Alumni House and Development Office also established a free Alumni App for iPhones, iPads and Android devices. With the App, a Facebook page, and the traditional means through which the Alumni Council and the Alumni House and Development Office help keep us connected, there is no reason for any alum to miss any of HM’s exciting events. On May 7, 2012, the Alumni Council hosted a special dinner to recognize our very own Horace Mann School alumni who returned to their alma mater as teachers, staff members, coaches and administrators, to give back to their HM Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly and Wesley Mittman LePatner ’99, Justin Lerer ’95, and Bill Nightingale ’49, school in this profound way. Special recognition was given to Dan Alexander of the HMAC congratulate Dan Alexander ’49. 32 Horace Mann Magazine Spring 2012 Greetings from the Alumni Council: http://www.horacemann.org http://www.horacemann.org/page.cfm?p=356 http://www.horacemann.org/page.cfm?p=1198 http://www.horacemann.org/page.cfm?p=1198

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Spring 2012

Horace Mann - Spring 2012
Greetings From Dr. Tom Kelly
Greetings From Melissa Parento ’90
Horace Mann School Celebrates 125 Years
Alumni Council Corner
Class Notes

Horace Mann - Spring 2012
