Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - 45

Class Notes

attended, with 24 classmates and 43 people
participating in the dinner at the Harmonie
Club in Manhattan. Attendees included: Rocky
Abrams, Dick and Susanne Atkins, Lon and
Babette Bandler, George and Caryl Bernstein,
Allan and Kendra Daniel, Frank Davidson and
Carol Fishberg, Edward and Joanne Froelich,
Elliot and Alice Gross, Joe and Marjorie Hilton,
Len Ladin and Kay O'Connor, Martin and Pinks
London, William and Rachel Meer, Julian
and Bettye Newman, Leslie Patrick, Elton
Robinson, Allen Ross, Alan and Joan Safir,
Alan and Carol Saltzman, Michael Selzer and
Stefanie Glennon, Richard Sonet, Joel and
Carol Thea, Herb and Liz Tulchin, John and
Sheila Weiss, and Imre and Nympha Weitzner.
Classmates who responded with regrets to HM
or the reunion committee included: Charlie
Ackerman, Joseph Berlinger, Fred Brown,
Don Jacobs, Mike Levine, Lee Preble, Arthur
Rabney, Michael Rosenblatt, Phil Schecter,
Bert Sonnenfeld, Fred Tausend, Mark
Weisburger and Gordon Youngblood. A number of classmates also submitted comments in
response to the committee's call for reflections,
which were read at the reunion. Submissions
came from: Fred Brown, Felix Reuben
Carrady, Irwin Cashman, Larry Dessner, Peter
Greenfield, Myron Mike Lee, Renee Richards,
Bernie Steinweg, Mike Usdan and John Vic
Weber. Froelich continued: "The evening began
with a lengthy cocktail hour which was accompanied by delicious hors d'oeuvres offered continuously by a highly capable wait-staff. The HM
photographer was on hand to take group and
individual pictures. (These pictures, by www.
jamielevinephotography.com) can be found at
this link on the Horace Mann School website:
N03/albums/72157673337194821) The dinner
included a healthful chopped salad followed by
an entree of either filet mignon or striped bass
and a chocolate soufflé dessert, all of which was
accompanied by red or white wine. Throughout
the delicious dinner and its aftermath comments submitted by those who could not
attend were read. In addition, in an open mic
procedure, many attendees offered anecdotes
about their stay at HM and the teachers that
made important and lasting impressions on
their lives. Allan Daniel described his immense
sorrow on the loss of his dear friend, classmate
Larry Shapiro, who perished in a horrific fire
on Labor Day weekend. (Memorial on p. 58)
Larry had been looking forward to the event,
even ordering a limo to take the Shapiros and
the Daniels to the Harmonie. Lon Bandler read
a moving letter from Pete Greenfield concern-

ing his regrets for being unable to join us. Other
well-prepared remarks came from Mike Selzer
who pointed out that to him a reunion is an
attempt to reconnect not only with your fellow
classmates and teachers, but to yourself and to
who and what you were in your teens as a high
schooler. Marty London and Imre Weitzner
reminded us of their early training in football
and biology from Charlie Avedesian." Froelich
offered his gratitude for "the efforts of the late
Howie Levine who was instrumental in the
development of our class reunion until his death
in 2004." Froelich then extended thanks on
behalf of the committee "to all classmates for
their participation in what, to our thinking, may
have been our best reunion ever." The committee also expressed appreciation to Kristin Lax,
Director of Alumni Relations and Eleni Jiavaras,
Development Associate, Alumni Relations, of
the HM Alumni and Development Office "whose
help with record keeping was immeasurable,"
wrote Froelich. "The class was also grateful
to HM Head of School Dr. Thomas Kelly who
dropped in to say a few words and who was
amazed by our terrific turnout. The school
has supported our reunions in recent years
with meaningful subsidies which has kept our
attendance costs down. The three hours sped
by and many indicated that they regretted that
they did not have enough time to get around to
speak with everyone that they had wanted to. To
fix that, start making plans to join us in the fall of
2021 when we can get on the reunion merrygo-round again for our 70th."

The Class of 1952
looks forward to its 65th Reunion
on a date to be determined.
Richard Kluger published Indelible Ink: The
Trials of John Peter Zenger and the Birth of
America's Free Press in September 2016.
(see Bookshelf, p. 37).
Members of the Class of 1952 continue to
meet for lunches in Manhattan throughout the
year. The latest of these was held at the home
of Porter and Heide Miller on Jan. 17, 2017.
Wrote Alan Sklar, who organizes the luncheons: "Always such fun gathering together
and telling fun stories about John Oliver,
Charlie Avedesian, Tom Kalligan and others ...
Porter certainly doesn't look 82 years old. We
were effective in luring John Flaxman all the
way from Conn. AND Ed Nordlinger who has
never attended our lunches before. (Sitting
between Sklar and Siegel) But we got him now.

photo by Jim Fruend '52

Jim Freund is missing from the group picture
because he is standing on the other side of the
camera! Two faces from the Class of 1953: Mike
Koplik (sitting left of Jay Jacobson) and Lew
Lowenfels, standing next to Mr. Flaxman. These
two "youngsters" love hanging around with the
older gentlemen and we 'allow' them to attend
our reunion lunches." Prior to the first luncheon
of 2017, hosted by the Millers (pictured here)

photo by Jim Freund '52

Photo by Jim Freund '52

19 members of the class gathered on Nov. 10,
2016 at Stout restaurant in Manhattan. Among
the participants were: Eric Osterweil, Jim
Freund, Stan Newman, Burt Strauss, Fred
Brooks, Jay Jacobson, Carl Seligson, Alan
Sklar, Alan Patricof, Bob Belfer, Dick Eisner,
Burt Siegel, as well as guests from the HM
Class of 1953 Mike Koplik and Lew Rabinowitz.

The group also gathered on September 19,
2016 and was joined by friends from '51 and
'53. L to R: Joel Block, Jim Freund, Dr. Renee
Richards '51, Sirgay Sanger, Lew Lowenfels
'53, Tony Burton, Carl Seligson, Burt Siegel,
Harry Lipton, Jay Jacobson, Mike Koplik '53
and Alan Sklar.
Horace Mann Magazine Spring 2017


http://www.jamielevinephotography.com http://www.jamielevinephotography.com https://www.flickr.com/photos/141038450@N03/albums/72157673337194821 https://www.flickr.com/photos/141038450@N03/albums/72157673337194821

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Spring 2017

Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - Cover1
Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - Cover2
Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - Contents
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