Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - 46

Class Notes

Alan Sklar was profiled in an article in The
Somers Record on September 25, 2016 that
discussed his work over the past 25 years
as narrator of more than 200 audiobooks,
thousands of non-broadcast narrations and
hundreds of TV and radio commercials. Sklar
continues to work as a voice actor. New Yorkarea residents can also catch Sklar reading
literary favorites at libraries and theaters in
Westchester County. Skalr was also featured
in an article in the March/April 2017 issue of
the Dartmouth College alumni magazine. You
can hear Alan read four poems by Robert Frost
at http://dartmouthalumnimagazine.com/articles/robert-frost-youve-never-heard-him.

Sklar also met with two other alumni in
related professions, Ken Browne '68 and Rob
Kahn '79. Ken is a producer of non-broadcast
videos (www.kbprods.com). He has hired Alan
to be the narrator on some of his projects. The
recordings were done at Rob's studio, Mixology
Post (Mixologypost.com). Richard Eisner
wrote: "My wife Carole is currently exhibiting four steel sculptures at Prospect Park in
Brooklyn. Check out her website http://caroleeisner-sculpture.com. (The exhibit opened in
May 2016 and runs through May 2017). I have
finished a memoir, which I am self-publishing
and am currently working on a novel. I continue
to enjoy the quarterly lunches of our class."
Alan Patricof
began 2017 in
style by participating in the
annual Polar Bear
Club's dip in the
Atlantic Ocean at
Coney Island.

Robert Caro was awarded the National

Book Award Medal for Lifetime Achievement
on November 16, 2016. The National Book
Foundation announced this recognition in
September 2016, noting that the award was
being presented to the author-historian for
his "Distinguished Contribution to American
Letters." Caro's acceptance speech is


Horace Mann Magazine Spring 2017

at http://www.
Caro will release
an audio-only book
on the subject of power on May 9, 2017 on
Audible.com. The book will feature personal
stories that shaped the author as a reporter
and informed his understanding of political
power. A brief account of Caro's other activities follows: Caro spoke at the first of four
major Pulitzer Prize Centennial events taking
place around the country in 2016 and 2017.
His address at Harvard's Nieman Foundation
in September 2016 can be found here: http://
nieman.harvard.edu/events/the-pulitzercentennial/#videos. Caro was featured in a
Paris Review interview published in spring
2016. Among the thoughts he shared in the
interview was the following: "The nicest thing
that's happened to me, really, is that four years
ago Horace Mann said they wanted to name
a prize after me." http://www.theparisreview.
org/interviews/6442/the-art-of-biography-no5-robert-caro. Caro has returned to HM in recent years to present The Robert Caro '53 Prize
for Literary Excellence in the Writing of History
to the student winner of this competitive
award. The author/historian is also working
with Carnegie Hall on one of the main features
of its 2017-18 season-a production called "The
60s: The Years That Changed America" that
will take the form of a festival incorporating
dozens of artists and events. The Pulitzer Prizewinning author is serving as an adviser for the
festival, with Carnegie Hall tapping Caro's "deep
knowledge of the social, political and cultural
forces that shaped the decade," according to
Carnegie Executive and Artistic Director Clive
Gillinson. Caro said he expects the festival to
have "tremendous relevance, since the issues
that defined the '60s, such as civil and women's
rights, are at the fore of today's headlines." For
more Robert Caro, there's a new rock musical
making its way around New York: BLDZR: The
Gospel According to Moses is based on Caro's
The Power Broker and is conceived and written by Peter Galperin, with a book by Galperin
and Daniel Scot Kadin. http://www.bldzr.nyc/

Prof. Michael Rosenthal published Barney:
Grove Press and Barney Rosset, America's
Maverick Publisher and His Battle against
Censorship on March 1, 2017. https://www.

dp/1628726504. The book will be covered in
the next issue of Horace Mann Magazine.


In August 2016 Harris
Brodsky was honored
with an invitation from
Herman A. Berliner,
Ph.D., Dean of the
Frank G. Zarb School
of Business at
Hofstra University to join Hofstra's Executive in
Residence program. Wrote Dr. Berliner: "In my
role as Dean of the Frank G. Zarb School of
Business, one of my key priorities is to
strengthen the School's Executive in Residence
program. It is through this program that
students, in a class or individually, have the
opportunity to interact with leading executives.
These interactions are enormously important
in blending classroom study with experiential
learning. Our executives in residence typically
teach a class in their area of expertise once or
twice a semester and they also have periodic
office hours where students, by appointment,
can meet with them for professional advice
and guidance ... On behalf of the Zarb School, I
am enormously pleased to invite you to join the
Executive in Residence program. Your expertise
would make an enormous difference. I look
forward to our working together to enhance the
education of the next generation of business
leaders." Brodsky, who served as Administrator,
Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, in Brooklyn,
N.Y. from 1967 -2000, was appointed an Adjunct
Associate Professor in General Business and
Management at Hofstra University's Zarb School
of Business in 1988, and continues to teach
there. A graduate of Columbia College, Harris
earned his MBA at Columbia University Business
School and his MS in Administrative Medicine at
the Columbia University Mailman School of
Public Health. A resident of Great Neck, N.Y., he
was previously named a Great Neck "Mentor of
the Year." Brodsky also helps keep his HM Class
of 1955 members together by coordinating, with
a committee of classmates, luncheons at the
Harvard Club in NYC several times a year.

Save the Date, October 14, 2017,
for HM Homecoming and the
60th Reunion of the Class of 1957.

http://www.nationalbook.org/amerletters_2016_rcaro.html#. WJcxuYWcEdU http://www.amazon.com/Barney-America%C2%92s-Maverick-Publisher-Censorship/dp/1628726504 http://www.amazon.com/Barney-America%C2%92s-Maverick-Publisher-Censorship/dp/1628726504 http://www.nationalbook.org/amerletters_2016_rcaro.html#. WJcxuYWcEdU http://www.amazon.com/Barney-America%C2%92s-Maverick-Publisher-Censorship/dp/1628726504 http://www.nationalbook.org/amerletters_2016_rcaro.html#. WJcxuYWcEdU http://www.nationalbook.org/amerletters_2016_rcaro.html#. WJcxuYWcEdU http://www.nationalbook.org/amerletters_2016_rcaro.html#. WJcxuYWcEdU http://www.Audible.com http://www.dartmouthalumnimagazine.com/articles/robert-frost-youve-never-heard-him http://www.dartmouthalumnimagazine.com/articles/robert-frost-youve-never-heard-him http://nieman.harvard.edu/events/the-pulitzer-centennial/#videos http://nieman.harvard.edu/events/the-pulitzer-centennial/#videos http://nieman.harvard.edu/events/the-pulitzer-centennial/#videos http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/6442/the-art-of-biography-no-5-robert-caro http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/6442/the-art-of-biography-no-5-robert-caro http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/6442/the-art-of-biography-no-5-robert-caro http://www.kbprods.com http://www.Mixologypost.com http://caroleeisner-sculpture.com http://caroleeisner-sculpture.com http://www.bldzr.nyc/ http://www.amazon.com/Barney-America%C2%92s-Maverick-Publisher-Censorship/dp/1628726504

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Spring 2017

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Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - Contents
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