Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - 67

Philanthropy and You

HM's Annual Fund is Essential to

the Strength of the School

Environment, and a Balance between Individual Achievement and a
Caring Community. All are part of inspiring and educating our students
to engage meaningfully with one another, within a just society toward
which HMers aspire.
Our volunteers deeply endorse HM in Motion's goals, and understand
that strong support of this capital initiative is crucial to the long-term,
academic and financial well-being of Horace Mann School. You will
continue to learn about HM's current capital campaign in the coming
months. At the same time, our volunteers remain committed to the success of Annual Fund. As with all independent schools, HM relies on fundraising to make up the difference between expenses and revenue. HM's
Annual Fund helps close the gap between tuition revenue and the actual
cost of a Horace Mann School education. Annual Fund contributions,
representing approximately 8 percent of the overall operating budget,
are restricted to enhancing academic and co-curricular programming,
attracting and retaining the most talented faculty and staff, providing
financial aid for an economically diverse community of students, and
maintaining our four campuses. Importantly, strong philanthropic support of HM allows us to restrain tuition growth each year for all families.
These Annual Fund goals are among those that volunteers convey as
they reach out to ask you to support the AF each year. Your Annual Fund
gifts are truly powerful investments that ensure Horace Mann School's
ability to continue to foster and build upon our legacy of enhanced
education. HM, its students, and all of our volunteers thank you for your
generosity to Horace Mann School. $

photo by Barry Mason

Please note: Annual Fund 2017 closes on June 30, 2017.
For more information on annual giving, please contact Kristen
Pietraszek at (718) 432-3459 or Kristen_Pietraszek@horacemann.org.

photo by Barry Mason

ach year Horace Mann School is honored by the dedication
of nearly 400 volunteers from our faculty and staff, alumni,
parent and grandparent community whose efforts on behalf of
the school's Annual Fund make possible the HM mission of educating
capable young minds in enriched and socially significant ways.
Our Class Agents-alumni from the Classes of 1942 through 2016,
soon to be joined by members of the Class of 2017-serve as both "friend
raisers" informing classmates about HM life and alumni events, and as
fundraisers, reaching out to encourage their classmates' generosity to
the Annual Fund. Faculty and staff, Parent Grade Representatives and
Grandparent Representatives fulfill the same role, within their constituencies. The devotion of all of these volunteers, and the generosity of the
greater HM community, are part of Horace Mann School's long tradition
of philanthropic generosity that began with the school's founding in 1887.
This tradition continues in our 130th year of fulfilling the HM Mission
of "preparing a diverse community of students to lead great and giving
lives." At the same time, Horace Mann School is dedicated to preparing
for the future, with a focus on the continuing education of current students and those of generations to come. The school is addressing these
needs with the forward-looking HM in Motion capital campaign described in the cover story of this issue of Horace Mann Magazine. With
HM in Motion's goals of "Inspiring Science; Encouraging Community;
Promoting Wellness and; Strengthening Athletics" the construction now
underway on the north side of our Middle and Upper Division campus
anticipates the education required by advances in science and technology that will engage our students during their HM years and throughout
their lives. The HM in Motion facilities, scheduled for completion by the
2018-2019 school year, will also advance HM's Core Values of the Life
of the Mind, Mature Behavior, Mutual Respect, a Secure and Healthful

Horace Mann School Board of Trustees member Lawrence Graham, Chair of the HM Annual Fund,
discusses HM's AF 2016-2017 with volunteers at a September 2016 Annual Fund kick-off meeting.

Carolyn Okin P '14, '15, '18, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees; Co-Chair, Development Committee
discusses the HM Annual Fund with the school's AF volunteers, and thanks them for their
service to Horace Mann School.

Horace Mann Magazine Spring 2017



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Spring 2017

Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - Cover1
Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - Cover2
Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - Contents
Horace Mann - Spring 2017 - 2
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