Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 14
to learn Shakespeare in a way that will
last the rest of their lives."
Richard Nackenson, the parent of
a first-grader, found the workshop to
be "a wonderful event. I was thrilled
to take part in the program first hand.
The evening was participatory and fun.
I realized immediately that we were
in for a surprise, when parents were
invited on stage to sit in a large circle
when the evening began," Nackenson
reported. "I thoroughly enjoyed the
interactive component, as I never
had any formal acting experience.
Importantly, we were given a glimpse
into how our children are learning
about Shakespeare and literature. The
program being developed by Horace
Mann and the Royal Shakespeare
Company is impressive. As a proud
Horace Mann parent, I am thrilled to
see the implementation of this leadingedge curriculum."
photo by Jasmin Ortiz
Horace Mann School and England's Royal Shakespeare Company
HM Upper Division students put the RSC's "On Your Feet" rehearsal room method of learning Shakespeare into action.
Active teaching stimulates active learning
After a decade of pursuing its "Stand Up for Shakespeare"
manifesto RSC Education has documented numerous positive outcomes, from students' increased interest in Shakespeare, to their increased attentiveness at
school. Grades and test scores rose at schools where the
RSC has worked, and numerous teacher narratives describe how withdrawn or inattentive students take on
classroom leadership roles when the RSC techniques are
presented. These findings and more appear on the RSC
website at: https://www.rsc.org.uk/education/impact-andresearch/?from=mdd-ed.
The results of a 2011-2012 OSU study indicate that
for elementary and middle school students, interest in
Shakespeare predicted higher outcomes in reading and
math-achievement test scores, and a pilot study of reading
comprehension and vocabulary development indicated that
students of teachers who participated in the Ohio StateRSC program scored significantly higher on a nationallyvalidated test. Across all grades students' improved atti-
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
tudes toward school and "school belonging" increased with
students' positive attitudes toward Shakespeare. Middle and
secondary school students also showed increased interest in
reading, reversing a previously-recorded rising trend toward
disaffection with reading through the adolescent years. OSU
research can be found at https://shakespeare.osu.edu/education/research-teachers-students.
As Stand Up for Shakespeare takes root at HM, faculty
members from departments other than English are incorporating RSC practices into their teaching. HM Upper
Division science teacher and Dean of Student Life Dr. Susan
Delanty '79 attended the June 2015 teachers' workshop
out of interest in this new HM initiative. She became "not
just an observer" but a participant-and a fan. "There was
a lot about it that was uncomfortable for me, because we
had to perform," said Dr. Delanty. "But I realized that these
techniques could be valuable for the subject I teach-tenthgrade chemistry. For many students chemistry is a new
language, just as Shakespeare is a new language in English
class. A student who comes to chemistry class thinking 'I'm
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
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