Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 18
education and career aspirations. "Over
the past decade a lot of attention has been
paid to this subject, and thankfully, the
numbers are changing. At Horace Mann
School, for example, the number of male
and female students in our advanced
courses is about equal, but even here, fewer women students take Honors and AP
physics," Dr. Kelly said. "We consider this
a significant issue. HM must be part of the
effort to engage more women in STEM
education, and STEM professions. It's
important to assure that women are able
to pursue the same educational opportunities and career options as men. They
must also be able to contribute equally to
the field. Daily, we learn how critical it is
for women to apply their perspective and
specific concerns to scientific and technological research, both in reconsidering
research models, and in prioritizing
a science
a science
research goals of benefit to society that
women may be able to identify better than men."
to promoting women's involvement in STEM pursuits.
Horace Mann School has also addressed this issue by
"The main thing I try to get across to all of our students in
increasing the number of women science teachers in every
science classes-especially the youngest students-is that
Division, Dr. Kelly said. "These faculty members serve as
everything around them is science. Children are curious,
role models to all of our students. This is significant because and for them to know that everything they ask about is a
research released as recently as March 2016 reveals that
form of scientific inquiry helps make science a natural skill,
even as more women enter STEM professions, prejudicial
instead of a scary subject," Diaz explained. "Young children
perceptions about women's capabilities as scientists persist, love doing science. That's usually equally true for both boys
often keeping them from advancing in the field. Some even
and girls. But, it's not long before you see girls becoming less
leave science. The education our students experience with
confident in science class, or letting boys lead the way when
our accomplished science faculty demonstrates the oppothey partner off to do a lab or experiment."
site," Dr. Kelly said.
Diaz bases her concerns about girls becoming less and
"Research also shows that to reverse the situation of
less comfortable "doing" science on evidence indicating that
fewer girls than boys in science classes in later school years
boys often have a leg-up on girls, through influences they abgirls must engage with science in the youngest grades, and
sorb and skills they develop, even as babies. "Research shows
receive encouragement along the way," Dr. Kelly continued.
that spatial cognition develops better in boys than in girls.
"Our WISE program provides HM's girls the opportunity for People who stay in science and engineering are often shown
a hands-on science experience in a comfortable setting. We
to be better at spatial reasoning skills, which they developed
hope it fosters ongoing excitement about doing science, and
at a young age. This isn't because of any innate intellectual
encourages the participants to explore science and technoldifference, but often because of the blocks and constructionogy further, at HM and throughout their lives. We began this type toys boys, more often than girls, are given when they
program in our Lower Division in order to reach our girl
are very young," Diaz said. Even in the most conscientious
students before they head into the higher grades, but we are
families and schools, where spatial reasoning and problemworking on moving the program forward into the Middle
solving toys are encouraged equally for girls as for boys, the
and Upper Divisions, with increasingly advanced curricula."
influence of advertising and media plays a part.
"The good news is that research also shows you can
Applying theory to a transformative process
go back and teach these skills-that it's never too late.
To get WISE off the ground Dr. Kelly enlisted the expertise
Incorporating spatial reasoning skills through building and
of Lower Division Science Specialist Katie Diaz, who orgaengineering-type projects is part of what I'm trying to do in
nized the first "June Camp" experience in 2015, and coordiour WISE program," Diaz said.
nated and led the program throughout the year, and at June
"Having the chance to prevent girls from developing
Camp 2016.
inhibitions about science, and hopefully inspire them to stay
Diaz is an innovative science educator who is also helping in science, is a true privilege. Keeping girls interested in scimap out the Lower Division's evolving science curriculum,
ence is at the forefront of Dr. Kelly's curricular goals for HM.
in concert with the academic expectations of HM's Middle
I was delighted to be given the opportunity to help develop
and even Upper Divisions. She is also a teacher dedicated
this program."
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
photo by Jasmin Ortiz
Women in Science & Engineering (WISE)
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
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