Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 20
photo by Jasmin Ortiz
Photo by Barry L. Mason
Women in Science & Engineering (WISE)
Girls participating in HM's WISE program explored chemistry and rocketry, among other STEM subjects, throughout the year.
Sonia had the chance to begin WISE as a kindergartener.
Sonia's parent, alumna Adrienne Fields '96, said that her
daughter loves all science in the Lower Division and reports
that "'science is really fun. Robotics is new and interesting.'"
While Sonia's current focus may not be on doing science
separately from the boys in her class, she enjoys the opportunity to just do more science. "Sonia would participate in
another program like this any day. She truly enjoyed the experience," Fields said, noting that months after her Saturday
morning science session Sonia remembered the "really cool"
robotics and electricity experiments the girls did. "Sonia
especially liked seeing the purple electrical current emitted
when the teacher held a pan and tube next to each other."
Fields is not sure if she "would have pursued science as
an extracurricular" when she was a student at HM because
of her focus on arts and literature. "But, Sonia told me if I
had seen all the amazing projects the girls did in the program she's certain I would have liked to do this when I was at
Horace Mann."
Girls only ... with opportunities for boys
Questions about why HM created a program exclusively for
girls inevitably arose throughout the first WISE year, but,
Diaz reports, these questions have become fewer and far
between. "When I announced the June Camp and told students that we would also be offering science experiences for
girls during the year, I explained why this program is just for
girls," Diaz said. "Obviously for me, in running this program,
I am very mindful about separating boys and girls. I've told
the students we recognize there is a gender gap in science
education that needs to be addressed." As to the initiative's
early effects, Diaz said, "I've had parents tell me that their
daughters never liked science until this year. When all the
students come back to class after a weekend that had a science session, and see some of the projects the girls made in
the Science Center, I know the girls feel good about taking
ownership. They're proud to say 'we made those in WISE.' In
October, around Halloween, I did an experiment in class us-
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
ing dry ice. Several of the girls were able to explain how dry
ice works, because of an experiment we did one Saturday.
You can see the girls becoming empowered.
"I think everyone understands the need for this kind of
program," Diaz added, referring to parents and students alike.
Lower Division students interested in science and technology, both boys and girls, have numerous opportunities
to engage in co-curricular STEM experiences throughout
the school year in class and through a new "Maker's Corner"
Diaz installed in the Division's Science Center that she redesigned last summer. Equipped with a terrarium, 3-D printers, microscopes and more, the Science Center brings both
natural and technological areas of STEM into the curriculum. The Maker's Corner provides a space for boys and girls
to pursue interests and innovations of their own, during
recess time. Students, from third grade on, now spend twosession lab periods in the Science Center doing experiments
related to each grade's science studies. Diaz also invited
fifth-grade girls and boys to come to HM on two Saturdays
when WISE sessions were not taking place to build an entry
for an international Rube Goldberg contest. Most of the girls
who participated in this construction effort had also gone
to WISE. Several reported that their summer and Saturday
science sessions made them more confident about working with the boys. "The boys know we've done some of this
before, so they listen to us. They respect us more," agreed
two WISE friends.
Summer 2016 brought 50 kindergarten-through-risingsixth-graders, both boys and girls, to a week-long June Camp
STEM program. The following week was devoted to WISE,
and brought 30 girls from every LD grade to HM to focus,
this year, on chemistry and natural science.
Most of the past year's WISE participants were aware that
this HM program was created for their benefit. Some said
they would not have minded if boys were included, but felt
they "got more done" with just girls. A third grader said she
came to the program because she knew she would feel more
comfortable asking questions there than she does in class.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
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Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - Contents
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