Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 23
News of the School
Alumnus, Parent, and Dedicated HM Community Member
A graduate of the HM Class of 1975 Michael Colacino was elected Chair
of the Horace Mann School Board of Trustees in May 2015, as previous
Board Chair Steven M. Friedman '72 had announced that he would end
his term of office on June 30, 2015. The date marked the culmination of
Friedman's nine years of service to HM in this role, and a prior decade of
service as a Board of Trustees member, committee chair, and vice chair.
A dedicated member of the Horace Mann School community
Colacino has noted, particularly in his fall 2015 State of the School
address to the HM parent body, that he accepted the Board Chair
position not simply out of a sense of responsibility, but because of his
desire to serve Horace Mann School "in the most complete capacity."
Recalling the deliberation that went into his decision to accept the
position Colacino explained, "I'm kind of an analytic person, so when I
was thinking about it I did a list of pros and cons, as you are taught to do
in business school. There were a lot of them, in both categories. I have
to say, being Board Chair is a difficult job. There's a lot of work and it's a
big challenge." However, Colacino said he had realized that most of the
reasons that "fell out on the pro side" were about things he "could do
whether as Board Chair or as a Board member, as long as I continued to
be present and participate" in and with the HM community.
"I kept coming back to the idea that I really wanted to be the
Chairman of the Board," Colacino said. "I couldn't quite put my finger on
why that was, and then it struck me: I realized that it is just an incredible
privilege to be asked to lead a school like this, a school that has defined
me, supported me and helped make me the person that I am. The most
important thing about me is that I am someone who cares very, very
much about the school."
For Horace Mann Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly, Colacino's devotion to
HM defines the quality of the Board Chair's commitment to the school.
"I've worked with Michael in the past, and we have now worked together
in his role as Board Chair for a year. The care he takes in considering
any aspect of Horace Mann School life is abundantly clear," Dr. Kelly said.
"To that care Michael adds his very thoughtful and incisive way of approaching each question before us, and seeing all sides of a situation, to
inevitably come up with a solution that is always in the very best interest
of the school and its students. I look forward to working with him in the
years ahead."
An alumnus active in shaping New York and its future
Outside of his work on behalf of Horace Mann School Michael
Colacino serves as president of Savills Studley, a global commercial real estate services firm specializing in tenant representation,
largely in the office sector. Colacino began his career in 1981, and
had various software engineering jobs before becoming president
of Design Technologies, from 1987 to 1991. In 1991 he began working
at the company then known as Studley, and moved through various
management and directorial positions before becoming president in
2002. The New York-based company merged with Savills of London in
2014, expanding both companies' international presence. Specializing
in Fortune 500, not-for-profit, financial and legal companies Colacino
has also served as a consultant, strategic planner and provider of
specialized brokerage services. His work has made a major impact
on the city of New York, among other cities. One very visible effort
involved Colacino's work as project executive on Time Warner's move
into Columbus Circle in 2004. As noted in a November 2015 New York
Times article Colacino served as "the main guy" on the company's
planned move to Hudson Yards.
Michael Colacino is also on the Real Estate Board of New York's
(REBNY) Board of Governors and the Advisory Board of the Zell-Lurie
Real Estate Center at Wharton, at the University of Pennsylvania. A
member of the Harvard College class of 1979 Colacino is active in the
Harvard Real Estate Academic Initiative. He has been on the faculty of
New York University, where he earned his M.S. in Real Estate, graduating first in a class of 180. In 2008 Colacino received the NYU Real Estate
Institute's Distinguished Alumni Award. He has also studied operations
research and statistics at the graduate level at NYU's Stern School. He
has been published in Industrial Engineering, Real Estate Forum and
Real Estate Review, served as a Trustee of the International Center of
Photography from 2006-2011. In 2012 he was honored by the Harlem
Educational Activities Fund.
Considering Horace Mann School today
The Board Chair finds much to praise in the state of Horace Mann
School today, from the strength of its diverse, dedicated, intellectually
gifted and highly-qualified faculty and its increasingly more diverse
student body, to the situation concerning admissions "both in terms of
students entering Horace Mann School, and how students fare in their
admissions to college upon graduating from HM," he said.
"One of the most important things (for Horace Mann School) is
admitting great kids," Colacino said. "Without that beginning, without
that starting point, we don't really have much of anything."
Colacino commends HM's College Counseling Department for
helping students "land the best way possible as they leave the school"
through the Department's efforts to "broaden the field of colleges and
universities students are applying to, by introducing new possibilities
for students and families to consider, in addition to the colleges to which
HM students traditionally apply." Colacino also notes with appreciation
how "well HM students, at all scholastic achievement levels, fare in the
college process."
Safety is a primary concern for Horace Mann School, as it is for
every parent with a child at the school, as Colacino well understands.
Consulting with Dr. Kelly and with HM Director of Security Michael
McCaw, Colacino keeps up-to-date with the "ongoing, continuous
process the school undertakes to enhance security," he said. Recent
changes during his time as Board Chair include installing more
cameras throughout the campus, and the installation of an external PA system. "We've also improved radio communication with the
Nursery Division (in Manhattan) and with Dorr (HM's John Dorr Nature
Laboratory in Washington, Conn.)," Colacino said. He lauds Horace
Mann School's decision to employ former high-ranking NYPD detectives to lead HM's security department, which speaks to their expertise
and helps HM forge a strong cooperative relationship with the City's
nearby police departments.
Looking toward HM's future
For Michael Colacino the role of the Horace Mann School Board of
Trustees is "to provide advice and counsel to Dr. Kelly and the administration." In addition, the Board has "responsibility for the overall capital
and financial climate of the school." Colacino has said.
"Tom runs the school, as he has for the last ten years, and he is going
to keep doing what he has been doing at least for the next five years, and
hopefully beyond," Colacino remarked last October to those gathered
for the State of the School address.
HM's future, as Colacino sees it, involves "doing what Horace Mann
School has always done well ... in terms of providing students with an
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
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