Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 31
News of the School
place on campus, many participants engaged with several
of HM's regular community partners, including Riverdale
Senior Services, Van Cortlandt Park, Kingsbridge Heights
Community Center, Habitat for Humanity, the Point CDC,
and New York Common Pantry. Recognized for its work by
several organizations, the CCVA most recently received a
Community Service Award from Bronx Community Board
No. 8 in May 2016.
Horace Mann School's First Relay
for Life Joins HM's Ongoing Cancer
Fighting Efforts
orace Mann School's ongoing drive to aid the fight
against cancer got a boost from its newest partner
in this effort when HM became part of the Relay for Life
movement, holding a first-ever "Relay" event on May 14,
2016. Relay for Life fundraising events involve over four
million people in more than 20 countries in raising funds
and awareness to save lives from cancer. Over 200 HMers
organized 23 teams, and raised nearly $50,000. Another 200 community members came to campus to support the "Relay" walkers, listen to
speakers from the HM community, including two current students who
discussed their own experiences with cancer, and to performances by
HM student singers and musicians. Participants also enjoyed a barbecue and carnival-type attractions.
The event was organized by Ander Legaspi '16, with assistance
from Coach Ray Barile, Horace Mann Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly, HM
Student Body Presidents Max August '16 and Russell Mindich '16, and
more. Legaspi has been deeply involved in the fight against cancer since
losing his mother to breast cancer when he was 14. He has since raised
over $250,000 through various efforts, and was honored by the Eastern
Division, American Cancer Society, Inc.
HM students have long supported cancer fighting initiatives in efforts
large and small. The school also coordinates a high school version of the
Coaches vs. Cancer movement that involves boys' and girls' varsity basketball teams in an annual fundraising tournament. Coach Barile brought
the effort to HM 17 years ago, and has been honored for this work by the
American Cancer Society in ceremonies at Madison Square Garden.
HM's Coaches vs. Cancer efforts have raised $559,586 since 1998.
The Lions Varsity wrestling team is involved with cancer-fighting
efforts as well, as part of the Pin Cancer/Wrestle for a Cure initiative
that raises funds for cancer research with every pin a wrestler records.
HM's 2015 team raised $35,712, the largest amount in Pin Cancer's history. Coordinated by Coach Gregg Quilty, the 2015 team was recognized
with the Wesson Award as the number one team in the nation for money
raised. The 2016 team continued this effort.
Horace Mann School Builds Habitat for
Humanity Homes for Two Families
eterans Day 2015 marked the completion of the first Habitat for
Humanity home built completely by Horace Mann School students
and faculty members through a recent initiative that involves the HM
community with this international home-building effort.
The house, in nearby Yonkers, N.Y., became a home to the family of an
Army Reserve National Guard veteran who had served in Afghanistan,
when he, his wife and two young children moved in just before
photo by Jasmin Ortiz
Thanksgiving 2015. In June 2016 a second family moved into a second
Habitat house, built and sponsored by HM.
HM students and teachers have been working with Habitat for
Humanity through its Habitat Club for about 15 years, in Costa Rica,
New Orleans, and in New York following Hurricane Sandy. In 2014 HM
initiated a program that included the school's student athletes in Habitat
building activities when HM Director of Athletics, Health and Physical
Education Robert Annunziata originated a plan that enabled JV and
Varsity Lions team members to participate in community service, which
their practice and game schedules often precluded. Coach Annunziata
saw in Habitat work an opportunity for athletes to pursue physical exercise and team-building experiences together, while contributing to the
community outside of HM, and brought the idea to Horace Mann Head
of School Dr. Tom Kelly.
"We began working on this idea about five years ago with Habit for
Humanity of Westchester. We are now able to build Habitat into the work
ethic of our teams and our school. HM has the first high school athletic
program committed to building complete Habitat homes."
HM athletes are accompanied to their builds by their coaches.
Upper Division science teachers Dr. Christine Leo and Michelle Lee
were Habitat Club advisors, while UD and Middle Division Lab Technician
Rudy Reiblein builds regularly with the Habitat Club. Assistant Director
of Athletics, Health and Physical Education Amy Mojica coordinates
Athletic Department builds.
HM is committed to continuing its affiliation with Habitat for
Humanity, Dr. Kelly assures, and will begin work on a third house in
the coming school year. In another exciting development Habitat of
Westchester is considering using structural improvements to its homebuilding model proposed by HM's recent Habitat Club president Ahmet
(Ike) Kilinc '16. Kilinc, a four-year member of the school's Habitat Club
who also participated in builds as a member of the Lions Varsity tennis
team, studied the walls and windows that Habitat homes in Yonkers are
using and devised a more energy-efficient design, able to save Habitat
homeowners about $600 annually in energy costs. Kilinc pursued this
project at the end of his junior year and through Independent Study
his senior year, doing research with members of the Engineering
Department at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, where he
will enroll to study civil/mechanical engineering in fall 2016.
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
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Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 2
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - Contents
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