Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 32
News of the School
Horace Mann Parents Association (HMPA)
Hosts Voter Registration for Graduating
Seniors, While Assisting Nursery through
Upper Division throughout the Year
or many members of the Horace Mann School community HM
represents a family, as Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly often states.
In many ways, the Horace Mann Parents Association (HMPA) unites
the HM family, through the events and initiatives its members organize
throughout the school year. Book Fairs in each Division, international
food fairs, and athletic afternoons are only a few of the HMPA traditions
that involve its members in enhancing the HM experience for students
and employees, and for all of its families. Despite also being devoted
to busy professional and family lives, HMPA members can always be
counted on to contribute time, creativity and care to the HM community.
The annual HMPA All-School Benefit is the group's signature event, raising needed funds for financial aid.
The HMPA launched a new initiative in spring 2016, focused on the
school's graduating seniors. The first event brought heading-to-college
seniors to a discussion on nutrition and healthy food choices, presented
by Brenda Cohn, Flik at HM's Senior Director of Dining Services, who
discussed the challenges of pursuing healthy nutrition when away from
home and at colleges that sometimes offer limited selections or tempting diversions from balanced meals.
In the second of these programs the HMPA focused on the equally
significant coming-of-age ritual of voter registration. With members
of the nation's Class of 2016 now 18 years old or turning 18 before the
November 2016 elections, UD History teacher Dr. Elisa Milkes recognized that the coming elections represent the first time these young
citizens will be able to exercise their right to vote. Aware of other high
school student-voter registration efforts, she brought the idea of a voter
registration drive at HM to Dean of Student Life Dr. Susan Delanty '79. Dr.
Delanty suggested that HMPA members might be able to assist. After
Dr. Milkes announced this opportunity at a meeting with seniors HMPA
UD Co-Chairs Sheryl Jassen and Farrah Kleiner came to the school on
May 18, 2016 and sat a table outside the Cohen Dining Commons to offer
seniors heading to lunch a chance to review voter registration materials
and sign up to vote. Dr. Milkes spent her own lunch period encouraging
students to register and assisting in the effort.
At least 63 seniors registered to vote that day, and about a dozen
more took materials home to look over, Jassen reported. "Having this
opportunity to register right here at school was terrific," Andrew Cogut
'16 told Jassen and Kleiner. "It's really appreciated."
UD Co-chairs Farrah Kleiner and Sheryl Jassen and UD history teacher Dr. Elisa Milkes helped
students register to vote.
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
NYSPCC-Horace Mann School Partnership
is Making a Difference in the Field of Child
Sexual Abuse Prevention
n 2013, Horace Mann School
partnered with the New York
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC) to offer its
child abuse prevention program "Safe
Touches: Personal Safety Training for
Children" to all Bronx public school
children in Grades K-3. (HM students
K-12 experience NYSPCC training in ways
appropriate to their grades during their years at the school.) In the first
three years of the initiative, NYSPCC provided the Safe Touches workshops to 9,050 children in the Bronx. According to NYSPCC Executive
Director Dr. Mary Pulido Safe Touches is "the only sexual abuse prevention workshop in NYC public schools specifically designed to reach
children aged 5 to 9 who are in kindergarten through the third grade-
the highest-risk age group for child sexual abuse." In a Program Update
to HM Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly, Dr. Pulido noted: "Each year, the
program expands to more districts in the Bronx. It began with 11 schools
in District 10 in the first year, and expanded to Districts 7 and 9 in Year
Two. This academic year, we are working with schools in Districts 10 and
12. The Safe Touches workshop includes "culturally representative
puppets to create role-play scenarios designed to help children recognize safe and not-safe touches, teach body safety, and identify whom to
tell if they have experienced a not-safe touch." The workshop emphasizes
that not-safe touches are never the fault of the child, and encourage
students to offer suggestions to the puppets and ask questions or voice
concerns. The NYSPCC also provided workshops to parents and
caregivers at eight schools, hoping "to create an ecological framework in
the school community to best protect children from potential abuse."
As part of the Safe Touches Program, the NYSPCC distributed surveys
to the teachers whose students participated. Those surveys indicate that
the overwhelming majority of teachers would recommend the program
to others and felt that the presenters and the program were effective
in teaching children about body safety, in developmentally appropriate
ways. In 2014, the NYSPCC concluded a National Institutes of Health
(NIH)-funded study to evaluate Safe Touches. The study was "one of the
first studies of its kind that has focused primarily on children of color
from low-income communities, making it a significant contribution to the
child protection field." More than 400 children participated in the study,
and these participants "demonstrated statistically significant increases"
in their understanding and knowledge of child sexual abuse prevention
topics. The NYSPCC has presented the findings from this study at conferences around the United States, and, in 2015, published two articles in
the American Journal of Public Health and The American Professional
Society on the Abuse of Children's journal, The APSAC Advisor.
Dr. Pulido shared, "The dedicated support of the Horace Mann School
has made it possible for the NYSPCC to bring Safe Touches workshops
to more than 9,000 children in the Bronx to date. Together, through
our ongoing partnership, the NYSPCC and the Horace Mann School will
bring Safe Touches to more schools with a goal of reaching over 3,000
children each year, and countless more, as we continue to share the
Safe Touches curriculum and lessons learned with other professionals
and agencies across the country that are dedicated to ensuring the
safety and well-being of children." $
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 1
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 2
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - Contents
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 4
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 5
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 6
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 7
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 8
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 9
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 10
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 11
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 12
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 13
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 14
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 15
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 16
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 17
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 18
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Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 20
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 21
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