Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 34
Photo by Barry L. Mason
Alumni Council Corner
Horace Mann School Homecoming
Draws Over 5,000
for Games, Reunions, Commemorations and Family Fun
or over 5,000 members of the Horace Mann School community
Homecoming 2015 turned out to be all that the name promised. For HM alumni from the Class of 1965 observing their 50th
anniversary reunion, to recent graduates who returned to campus to
cheer on their former teammates at varsity games throughout the day,
to current students and their parents enjoying a barbecue and carnival
activities, the atmosphere of welcome and family friendship made
Horace Mann School a home worth coming to celebrate.
The Homecoming spirit filtered into Horace Mann School early in
the week as the Olshan Lobby was decorated by large cutout posters
of athletes by student artists. On Friday afternoon captains from each
of HM's varsity teams headed from the Upper Division to the Lower
Division to host a lively pep rally for their younger peers. Homecoming
day unfolded under a clear blue sky and bright sunshine that illuminated
the autumn-hued trees surrounding the school's Bronx campus. Before
long, the playing fields began filling up with varsity team athletes practicing before their meets, while, under a large red and white striped
carnival tent, members of Horace Mann School's Parents Association
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
(HMPA) topped tables with maroon and white team spirit giveaways
and student groups set up bake sales to support various causes. Soon
after, the crowds began pouring in to watch and cheer at the athletic
events, while alongside and under the carnival tent children enjoyed
a bouncy castle and games of skill, had their faces painted, and took
turns learning to "drive" robots built by HM's Middle and Upper Division
robotics teams.
For alumni from the Class of 1965 a highlight of the day was the
chance it brought to reconnect-some after many years, at a reunion
luncheon at the home of Horace Mann Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly. "We
were delighted by the record turnout at Homecoming, and the overwhelming response to our reunion invitations by so many members of
the Horace Mann School community. Whether participants were alumni
stepping onto campus for the first time since graduating 50 years ago,
or families with students in our Nursery Division in Manhattan uniting
with the rest of the school on this day, it is an honor for us to bring all of
the members of the HM community together. It's that spirit of togetherness that makes our school community so strong."
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 1
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 2
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - Contents
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 4
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 5
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 6
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Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 8
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 9
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 10
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