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that are fun and illuminating, the author leaves
readers feeling exuberant, and convinced that
their IQs have been raised.
Anecdotes about well-known mathematicians humanize and provide new insights into
their lofty subjects. Recalling such classic works
as Lewis Carroll's Introduction to Logic and A
Mathematician Reads the Newspaper by John
Allen Paulos, Mathematical Elegance will energize and delight a wide audience, ranging from
intellectually curious students to the enthusiastic general reader. "Ardent devotees of mathematics, as well as readers eager to understand
more about today's renewed focus on math, will
turn again and again to this deft and accessible
explanation of the world of numbers. Along
with famous mathematical proofs, there are
fascinating insights into the minds and lives of
those who discovered them. Puzzle lovers can
test their mettle with a collection of stimulating
brainteasers that concludes a book that is an
informative, delightful, fun read for everyone,"
wrote City College Prof. Ibtihaj Said Arafat.
Jewish Law and Contemporary Issues
By Arthur J. Jacobson '65 and J. David Bleich
Cambridge University Press, October 2015
Organized as a series of
authoritative discussions, this book
presents the application
of Jewish law-or
Halakhah-to contemporary social and
political issues.
Beginning with the
principle of divine
revelation, it describes the contents and
canons of interpretation of Jewish law. Though
divinely received, the law must still be interpreted and "completed" by human minds, often
leading to the conundrum of divergent but
equally authentic interpretations. Examining
topics from divorce to war and from rabbinic
confidentiality to cloning, this book carefully
delineates the issues presented in each case,
showing the various positions taken by
rabbinic scholars, clarifying areas of divergence, and analyzing reasons for disagreement. Written by widely-recognized scholars of
both Jewish and secular law, this book will be
an invaluable source for all who seek authoritative guidance in understanding traditional
Jewish law and practice. With each chapter
including a section for notes and questions to
prompt further discussion and consider
hypothetical situations, this book makes
Jewish law accessible to a general audience.
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
The Creation of the Common Law:
The Medieval Year Books Deciphered
By Thomas Lund '60
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., February 10, 2015
In this modern compilation and commentary
Prof. Thomas Lund '60
paraphrases and
analyzes important
cases in medieval law,
making this fascinating
litigation accessible to
everyone. While
Frederick Pollack and
Frederick William Maitland's classic History of
English Law ends at Henry III's death, until now
no one has explained, in clear modern language,
the transformative events that followed. After
Edward I became king, Chief Justice Bereford
took charge of the legal system and created
law in accord with his own sense of justice. The
book puts his innovations into the context of
contemporary American and English law.
Prof. Stephen B. Presser of Northwestern
University School of Law, put Prof. Lund's work
into context by explaining, "It is a staple of popular fiction-The Da Vinci Code is a prominent recent example-for a scholar, after inspired and
painstaking work, to reveal hidden mysteries
encoded in ancient manuscripts that alter our
understanding of ourselves and our civilization.
Remarkably, the legal scholar Thomas Lund, has,
in real life, done just that. Here, after hundreds
of years, is a readable, brilliant, and deep study
of the sources of the basic principles of the
Anglo-American Legal System still in use today
(through) the medieval Year Books until now
utterly inaccessible except to a few specialists
in the most arcane legal history. This amazing
and delightful book will be of profound interest
to anyone who has ever believed that the rule of
law is about more than the arbitrary machinations of politicians. Simply stated, Thomas Lund
has given us one of the most important works on
law in this generation." Medievalist Prof. William
Chester Jordan of Princeton University called
Prof. Lund's work "a stunning achievement."
Among the Ten Thousand Things
By Julia Pierpont '04
Random House, July 7, 2015
Readers and reviewers have hailed Julia
Pierpont's '04 Among the Ten Thousand
Things as a dazzling first novel, a portrait of
an American family on the cusp of irrevocable
change, and a startlingly original story of love
and time lost. It's the story of Jack Shanley, a
well-known New York artist, charming and vain,
who doesn't mean to
plunge his family into
crisis. His wife, Deb,
gladly left behind a difficult career as a dancer
to raise the two children she adores. In the
ensuing years, she has
mostly avoided coming
face-to-face with the
weaknesses of the man she married. But then
an anonymously sent package arrives in the
mail: a cardboard box containing sheaves of
printed emails chronicling Jack's secret life. The
package is addressed to Deb, but it's delivered
into the wrong hands: her children's, who can't
resist reading the correspondence. Soon the
Shanleys spin apart into separate orbits. As
they leave New York in an attempt to regain
their bearings 15-year-old Simon feels the
allure of adult freedoms for the first time, while
11-year-old Kay wanders precariously into a
grown-up world she can't possibly understand.
Writing with extraordinary precision, humor,
and beauty, Julia Pierpont has crafted a timeless, moving, and hugely enjoyable novel about
the bonds of family life-their brittleness, and
their resilience. Moira Hodgson described the
book in The Wall Street Journal as an "excellent,
insightful first novel ... Pierpont brings this family of four to life in sharply observed detail.... An
acute observer of social comedy, Ms. Pierpont
has a keen eye for the absurd." Meredith Turits
described the book in Vanity Fair as "A debut
so honest and mature that it will resonate with
even the most action-hungry readers." And
The Huffington Post wrote, "Fans of [Virginia]
Woolf's insight into the human consciousness ...
will savor Pierpont's acute observation of a family in crisis, her deft pacing and deeply human
characterization of each member of the family."
Year of the Dunk
By Asher Price '97
Crown, May 12, 2015
We all like to think that,
with a little practice, we
could run faster, learn
another language, or
whip up a perfect
soufflé. But few of us
ever put those hopes to
the test. In Year of the
Dunk Asher Price '97
decides to try to gauge
his own hidden potential. The medium he
chooses is basketball's slam dunk, a feat with
distinctly American themes of culture, race,
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