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Class Notes School, its Upper Division History Department, and Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly established in the author's honor. The Prize, which Caro mentioned in a March 2016 Paris Review profile of the author, recognizes a work of historical research that is also written in compelling narrative. Twenty-one drawings by artist Edward (Ed) Koren were on exhibit in The Gallery in HM's Fisher Hall from Jan. 14 through February 2016. Nearly 100 students, faculty members and alumni, including several classmates, attended an opening reception, and hundreds more viewed the work during the exhibit's run. On display as, well, were drawings the famous New Yorker cartoonist did for The Record, Mannikin and more during his HM days. For those who missed the exhibit, a retrospective of Koren's work titled "The Capricious Line" is touring the U.S. through 2017. Tour information at: http://www.artsandartists.org/exhibitionsedwardkoren.php Ed Koren (center) with HM Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly and members of the Class of '53 Dr. Henry Binder, Lewis Lowenfels; Dr. Steven Sheppard, and Peter Brown (photo by Kristin Lax) The Imaging Department at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston honored Dr. Robert Ackerman in March 2013 by announcing that it would name its Neurovascular Laboratory the R. H. Ackerman Neurovascular Lab in recognition of the alumnus' work as a pioneer in stroke imaging and prevention. Ackerman MD, MPH and director emeritus of the MGH Neurovascular Lab, founded the Lab in 1974 as the first consultative noninvasive neurovascular lab in the country. The Lab has since been dedicated to using ultrasound to understand blood flow to the brain to identify patients at risk of stroke or who have experienced stroke. Dr. Ackerman served as the lab's director until 2001. Wrote Dr. Ackerman: "It was the first consultative laboratory for noninvasive evaluation of carotid artery disease." He further informed: "I am only partially retired, which means that I am retired from money, but working twice as hard. For diversion I row and rowed (in 2015) in the threemile Head of the Charles regatta in Cambridge, MA. It is the largest of all rowing regattas." 1954 Edward Flattau published his latest book From Green to Mean, The GOP's Downward Environmental Spiral in March 2016. In his fifth book the nation's longest-running national environment columnist and Washintonian Award recipient shined a spotlight on the GOP's desertion from its environmental origins. The book will be covered in the next issue of Horace Mann Magazine, but, in the meantime, read Ed's article here: www.huffingtonpost. com/edward-flattau/gop-from-green-tomean_b_9547454.html. Prof. Howard Wolf, Emeritus Professor at University at Buffalo, SUNY, may have retired from teaching fulltime, but he remains busy with his literary pursuits, as an article in the SUNY Buffalo University Reporter details. https://www.buffalo.edu/ ubreporter/spotlight/profiles-host.host.html/ content/shared/university/news/ub-reporterarticles/stories/2014/February/wolf_profile. In May 2014 Prof. Wolf was invited to speak at Wolfson College (Cambridge). His topic was "The Role of Creative Nonfiction in the American Literary Curriculum." In June 2015 he presented a paper "The Two Worlds of Thornton Wilder: Challenges to Modernity" at the Second International Thornton Wilder Conference in Newport, RI. In October and November 2015 he traveled to Nashville, Boca Raton, Madison, WI, Philadelphia, PA, and Alexandria, VA presenting a talk on the topic "Responsibilities of the Writer in the Postwar Period" at those cities' Eric M. Warburg Chapters of The American Council on Germany-launched in 1992 to promote a greater understanding of German and European affairs. Prof. Wolf has given over 100 lectures in 20 countries; more than 50 lectures in 30 U.S. cities; was a classroom teacher for 54 years; has 300 publications and has written ten books. Writes Prof. Wolf: "HM English and writing for the Record launched my career. I am grateful." 1955 An email correspondence with Roy Salomon resulted in Horace Mann Magazine learning that the alumnus was honored with a special Spirit Award by Maccabi, USA at a Maccabi Legends brunch in Boca Raton, Fla, in 2015. Maccabi USA is part of the Maccabi World Union, an international Jewish sports organization founded in 1921 that now spans five continents and more than 50 countries, with some 400,000 members, and also organizes the Maccabiah Games. Roy was reluctant to have this news included in Class Notes because, as he modestly wrote, "many of my classmates have achieved so much during these many years and they never share their achievements or talk about themselves." However, it might be of interest for classmates to learn that the person who was described in the 1955 Mannikin as "one of the top athletes of the Class of '55" who "swept all possible athletic honors," was captain of both the varsity baseball and basketball teams, sports editor of The Record, and also known for leading "hoarse HMers in 'gimme an H'" cheers, continued to pursue athletics after HM. He first became involved with Maccabi as a basketball athlete representing Canada at the 1969 Maccabiah Games. Roy has been dedicated to the Maccabi Movement ever since. In 1979 he founded the Montreal Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. From 1981 through 1985 he was Maccabi Canada's National Athletic Chair. In 1982 he led Canada's delegation to the first JCC Maccabi Games. He was the First Vice President of Maccabi Canada in 1990, and in 1992 he was elected President, serving for two terms until 2001. Roy has received numerous awards, including the Yakir Award in 2001 and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal for volunteer work in 2013. He was also inducted into the Israel Softball Hall of Fame as a Builder. Harris Brodsky reports that the Class of 1956 continues to get together for luncheons in Manhattan every few months. The latest of these took place on April 15, 2016, and included some class members who had not had the opportunity to participate in these events before. 1956 Save the Date, September 24, 2016, for HM Homecoming and the 60th Reunion of the Class of 1956. Art Levine has retired from teaching at California State University, Long Beach after nearly 40 years. He writes that he is now "devoting full time to growing our Straight Talk television show, viewable on YouTube and StraighttalkTV.com." 1958 After 50 years of teaching writing and contemporary novels at the College of Staten Island/CUNY, Peter Miller retired as Associate Professor of English in January 2016. He is the author of two books: Becoming a Writer, Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016 45 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/edward-flattau/gop-from-green-to-mean_b_9547454.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/edward-flattau/gop-from-green-to-mean_b_9547454.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/edward-flattau/gop-from-green-to-mean_b_9547454.html https://www.buffalo.edu/ubreporter/spotlight/profiles-host.host.html/content/shared/university/news/ub-reporter-articles/stories/2014/February/wolf_profile http://www.artsandartists.org/exhibitions-edwardkoren.php https://www.buffalo.edu/ubreporter/spotlight/profiles-host.host.html/content/shared/university/news/ub-reporter-articles/stories/2014/February/wolf_profile http://www.artsandartists.org/exhibitions-edwardkoren.php http://straighttalktv.com

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