Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 51
Class Notes
of the Special Prosecutions Division at the
Westchester County District Attorney's Office
(appointed Jan. 14, 2015.) As chief of that
division, he oversees the prosecution of all
cases of domestic violence in Westchester,
including sexual assault, child abuse, child
sexual assault, crimes against the elderly and
human trafficking. Approaching his 30th year
as a Westchester prosecutor, Fred spent the
previous 14 years as chief of the adult sex
crimes bureau at the Westchester DA's Office.
He is also an adjunct professor at Pace Law
School and at the State University of New York
(SUNY Purchase) where he teaches classes in
the field of sexual assault law.
Congratulations to Ted Sperling who was mar-
ried on May 31, 2015 to shoe designer Noah
Waxman. Ted's busy schedule has included
serving as music director for Lincoln Center's
production of "The King and I" which won
four Tony Awards, including Best Revival of a
Musical. As Artistic Director of MasterVoices
(mastervoices.org) Sperling also directed
and conducted "The Pirates of Penzance" with
MasterVoices and the Orchestra of St. Luke's,
at New York City Center in October 2015, in the
MasterVoices' first venture in a new series of
operas and operettas in concert. That month
the conductor hosted and directed a Marvin
Hamlisch Tribute at the Library of Congress
in Washington D.C. Sperling is also music
director for the Broadway revival of "Fiddler
on the Roof" which opened on Dec. 17, 2015.
Ted also serves as principal conductor of the
Westchester Philharmonic. To keep up with the
alum's schedule and to see him in performance
visit: http://tedsperling.net. Prof. Madeline
Schwartzman will publish See Yourself X
(SYX): Human Futures Expanded in December
2016. The second volume of her series that
looks at human perception and the sensory
apparatus is a sequel to See Yourself Sensing:
Redefining Human Perception (2011), a collection of 50 years of futuristic proposals for
the body and the senses. Dr. David Sanders,
Associate Professor, Markey Center for
Structural Biology, Department of Biological
Sciences at Purdue University writes: "I was
elected both as the Vice-Chair of the Purdue
University Senate (I become the Chair in June
2015) and as City Councilor of West Lafayette,
Indiana. My focus is on preventing the hostile
corporate takeover of higher education and
promoting public health. In the past year I
have been interviewed many times in multiple
media about the Ebola virus. It gave me the opportunity to advocate for focusing on regional
centers as loci for Ebola-virus treatment and
for providing resources for suppressing the
virus in Africa, to oppose unwise travel bans
and quarantines, and to introduce science into
discussions of the likelihood of a widespread
outbreak in the United States (infinitesimal)
and the modes of Ebola-virus transmission.
Minna Ferziger Felig, an attorney, lives in
Israel with her husband Cliff and their four
children. Both of her sons and her older
daughter are serving in the Israel Defense
Forces, in the Tanks Corps, the Paratrooper
Corps and the Intelligence Corps respectively.
In the summer of 2014 Minna posted two articles called "Army Mom", recounting the terror
of having her two sons serving in combat units
during the war in Gaza, and of the trauma her
son experienced in losing a friend in battle. The
articles can be found at: http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/army-mom/ and http://blogs.
timesofisrael.com/army-mom-when-theboys-came-home. Dewey Wigod is a producer
on the documentary "Defying the Nazis: The
Sharps' War" about Waitstill and Martha
Sharp, a Unitarian minister and a social
worker who risked their lives behind enemy
lines to smuggle people out of Eastern Europe.
Presented by Ken Burns, the film is directed by
Artemis Joukowsky, grandson of the rescuers.
Wigod spoke to a class at HM about the film
in December 2015. The film is up for Academy
Award consideration and will be shown in Los
Angeles and NYC from Friday, September 9,
2016 through Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016. The film
will be shown on PBS on Tuesday, September
20, 2016 at 9:00pm. The website for the film is
DefyingTheNazis.org. "It has been rewarding
for me to be involved in such a worthy project,
bringing content and media partners together,
as I have done on the 'American Film Institute
Top 100' specials and 'The Lost Kennedy Home
Movies," Dewey wrote.
Save the Date, September 24, 2016,
for HM Homecoming and the 35th
Reunion of the Class of 1981.
Andrew Solomon published Far and Away:
Reporting from the Brink of Change in April
2016. (See more in the next issue of Horace
Mann Magazine)
Cassandra (Garner) Vaughan writes: "I mar-
ried my soulmate, Wayne Vaughan, in 2009.
We reside in Brooklyn, NY. Since 2012, I have
been a teacher at Park Slope Collegiate, also in
Brooklyn. I've been employed by the NYC Dept.
of Education as a math teacher since 2004.
Jane Mendelsohn, the author of the novels I
Was Amelia Earhart (1997) Innocence (2001)
American Music (2010) published Burning
Down the House in March 2016. (to be covered
in next issue of Horace Mann Magazine.)
Beth Kissileff, PhD published Reading
Genesis in Feb. 2016 Kissileff is the author of
Questioning Return a novel, to be published in
September 2016. (Both to be covered in the
next issue of Horace Mann Magazine).She is
also writing a book of linked short stories and a
second novel. Kissileff has received fellowships
from the Corporation of Yaddo, the Ragdale
Foundation, the Lilly Endowment, and the
Carleton College Humanities Center for work
on the second book. She writes fiction, articles
and criticism for a number of publications
and online media, including JewishFiction.
net, Slate.com, NYTimes.com, Washington
Post.com, Huffington Post, USAToday.com,
Haaretz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Tablet,
Religion News Service, Moment Magazine, The
Forward, Jerusalem Report, The Jerusalem
Post, The Jewish Week, and Jewish Book
World. Follow her on Twitter @bethkissileff.
Save the Date, September 24, 2016,
for HM Homecoming and the 30th
Reunion of the Class of 1986.
Dr. Marina Rustow was named one of 2015's
24 MacArthur Fellows. Awarded by the John
D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
this substantial fellowship is frequently
referred to as "The Genius Grant." Nominees
are evaluated for "exceptional creativity" and
the potential for sustained creative development. Dr. Rustow is the Khedouri A. Zilkha
Professor of Jewish Civilization in the Near
East, Professor of Near Eastern Studies and
History at Princeton University. In her work
as a historian she uses the Cairo Geniza texts
to shed new light on Jewish life and on the
broader society of the medieval Middle East.
Rustow's approach to the texts, hundreds of
Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
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