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Class Notes thousands of legal documents, letters, and literary materials, goes beyond decoding documents to questioning the relationship between subjects and medieval states. https://www. macfound.org/fellows/944/. Page Hurwitz teamed up with comedian Wanda Sykes to launch Push It Productions in 2013 (http:// pushitprods.com). The company focuses on producing quality comedy shows across all genres for network, cable, and digital outlets. The company successfully revived NBC's "Last Comic Standing" franchise in 2014, and its first series, Herlarious, won a Gracie Award in 2014. 1987 Lawrence (Larry) Koffler was pleased to an- nounce that he and his wife Irina became the parents of Henry Koffler on May 8, 2014. Larry and Irina were married in 2013. Dan Hoffman and spouse Julie Oppenheimer are spending two years on a family adventure, living in Barcelona, Spain with their children Audrey and Hazel. 1988 Dr. Eric Wollins was appointed to the position of NOVA Chief of Gastroenterology at the MidAtlantic Permanente Medical Group at Kaiser Permanente of Falls Church, VA, effective December 1, 2015. Eric joined MAPMG in 2009. He attended George Washington University Medical School and completed his Residency in Internal Medicine and his Fellowship in Gastroenterology at GW. Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology Dr. Wollins has served as Assistant Chief of Gastroenterology since June 2015. 1990 Dr. Benjamin Strauss is Vice President for Sea Level and Climate Impacts at Climate Central (www.climatecentral.org), a non-profit climate research and journalism organization based in Princeton, N.J. He is a national expert and author of numerous scientific papers and reports on sea level rise. He is also architect of the SurgingSeas.org coastal flood risk tool. Dr. Strauss has testified before the U.S. Senate, and The White House has highlighted his work. His research has been covered internationally by, among others, the New York Times, Washington Post, AP, Reuters, Bloomberg, The Guardian and USA Today. He has appeared as an expert on national TV and radio news programs, and in a Showtime documentary. 52 Horace Mann Magazine Summer 2016 Ben spoke at the "Life of the Mind" segment of HM's annual Homecoming on October 10, 2015, along with Sasha Novograd Brown '02, Vice President of NewWorld Capital. This recent feature of Homecoming focused on the current state and future promise of solar energy and sustainability. Robin Dolch is the founder of Hundred Stories PR (http://hundredstoriespr.com), which she launched in 2011. This boutique public relations company specializes in real estate publicity, communication strategies, and local and global press platforms, and offers a wide range of integrated client and media services. A former journalist who was a founding editor of ICON magazine and executive editor of Hampton Family Life magazine, Robin is also a former senior vice president at Rubenstein Associates where she created local and global press platforms for major New York real estate firms. Andrea Stolowitz spent 2014-15 in Berlin as a DAAD (The German Academic Exchange Service) scholar and playwright-in-residence at English Theater Berlin/International Performing Arts Center. Her main project was researching and having a public reading of her somewhat autobiographical play "Schlütestraße 27" about a granddaughter's search for clues to her grandfather's life in Germany before WWII, based on a diary she finds. In April 2015 her play "Ithaka" won the Oregon Book Award's Angus L. Bowmer Award for Drama, and her play "Antarktikos" received an honorable mention on Kilroy's List. Stolowitz' Marivaux adaptation/Oregon wine play "Successful Strategies" had its world premiere at Theatre 33 in Salem, OR in July 2016. While in Berlin Stolowitz worked remotely and on the ground with the Hand2Mouth Theater, and collaborated on the play "Time, A Fair Hustler" a reimagining of Gus Van Sant's film "My Own Private Idaho." 1991 Save the Date, September 24, 2016, for HM Homecoming and the 25th Reunion of the Class of 1991. Dr. Emily Straus provided historical context for the neighborhood depicted in the film "Straight Outa Compton" in an article in The Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/ archive/2015/08/compton-california-theother-suburban-story/401282/. Dr. Straus teaches American History in HM's Upper Division and is an associate professor at the State University of New York. She is also the author of the acclaimed 2014 book Death of a Suburban Dream: Race and Schools in Compton, California. James Gwertzman, CEO and Co-founder of PlayFab, was the guest speaker, via Skype from Washington State, at the HM Upper Division's 2016 SciTech display of student science and technology projects. 1992 Michael Margolis and his wife Lauren welcomed their daughter, Sydney Juliet Margolis on June 22, 2015, at 10:19 a.m., at 8 lbs., 8 oz. Josh Siegel is producing a movie by noted film director Jeremy Kagan '63. The two met in 1998 when Siegel was a student in a USC graduate school class that Kagan was teaching. They reconnected for this project through a mutual acquaintance. "I signed up for Jeremy's class at the time because I knew he was a fellow HM alum," reported Siegel. "Little did I know it would help me get a job some 17 years later!" Their film, "Shot", stars Noah Wyle ("E.R.") and has been officially endorsed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, due to the film's strong anti-gun violence theme. Before taking on this project Siegel was co-producer and line producer for the May 2015 film "Any Day" which starred Sean Bean, Eva Longoria, Tom Arnold and Kate Walsh. Prior to that, Siegel line produced a bonus episode for the "24" Season 9 DVD and a TV pilot for the Jonas Brothers. A member of the Producers Guild of America and the Directors Guild of America Siegel produced his first film at age 20 as a senior at Johns Hopkins University. He then went on to film school at USC and began working as a producer and line producer on an array of feature films and commercials. One of the first in Hollywood to acknowledge the merits of HD and the inevitable segue away from 35mm film, Siegel's first feature "The Last Letter" (2003) was one of the earliest commercially-distributed films to take advantage of this technology. His film "Between" shot entirely on location in Mexico, was a Sundance Film Festival selection subsequently purchased by Lifetime Networks. In 2008, Siegel was appointed Head of Production at Hannibal Pictures, where he oversaw a slate of $5-15M features, such as "Casino Jack" and "The Big Bang." Over the course of his career, Josh has been hired to create budgets and schedules for over 50 https://www.macfound.org/fellows/944/ https://www.macfound.org/fellows/944/ http://pushitprods.com http://pushitprods.com http://hundredstoriespr.com http://hundredstoriespr.com http://www.climatecentral.org http://sealevel.climatecentral.org/ https://www.climatecentral.org/videos/news-and-reports/ben-strauss-senate-testimony-on-sea-level-rise http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/08/compton-california-the-other-suburban-story/401282/ http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/08/compton-california-the-other-suburban-story/401282/ http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/08/compton-california-the-other-suburban-story/401282/

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016

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