Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 57
Class Notes
Save the Date, September 24, 2016,
for HM Homecoming and the 10th
Reunion of the Class of 2006.
Gabriella Levy's unique porcelain lighting company Immerlit (www.immerlit.com) has been
featured in such top design publications as
Trouve which wrote: Gabriella's work elegantly
illuminates spaces with the natural beauty
of porcelain, translucency and light." Jason
Siegel and Ciara Monchek Siegel were married on October 3, 2015 in NYC. The bridal party,
together with the bride and groom, included 11
HMers, with many more alums in attendance.
Liz Olanoff works in programming and
development at the Food Network and Cooking
Channel (Scripps Networks Interactive). In
June 2015 Rachel Cholst, editor of the nationally recognized music blog Adobe & Teardrops
curated "Proud," a benefit compilation album
that featured the music of Karen Pittelman '93
and her band, Karen and the Sorrows. Karen is
known for her popular Queer Country Monthly
concert series. In 2015, the pair co-hosted
the concert, and raised over $500, donated to
FIERCE, a nonprofit that trains LGBTQ youth of
color to become activists to lead the fight for
LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, police reform,
and housing justice. When not on stage, Rachel
teaches high school history at an alternative high school in the South Bronx. Adobe &
Teardrops has also featured music by Doug
Goldstein. Goldstein, who was a winner in the
2014 national FreshGrass Banjo Award Contest,
is a full time member of Woody Guthrie's grandson's band "Cole Quest & the City Pickers"
whose debut LP "My Name Is New York" came
out in 2016. Goldstein also works on his own
project, "DOUGMORE." Writes Doug: "It is
under that name that I am finishing production
on my own full length debut release, "Outer
Boroughs" a concept album based on Ovid's
Metemorphoses and the literary tradition
of that theme." (look for Dougmore projects
online.) Goldstein plays banjo with a band he
co-founded, the nationally touring and teaching
Cricket Tell the Weather, a Brooklyn-based
string band with roots deep in the bluegrass
tradition, embracing folk, old-time, and spirituals as a backdrop for their original songwriting.
The band won the first-annual Freshgrass
Award for best band in 2013 www.crickettelltheweather.com. Goldstein also appeared in
the HMTC Alumni Play "Assassins" in 2016.
From left to right William Sargent, Elizabeth Sargent and
Maxwell Troop '07 created a social media app called Wigeon.
Courtesy of Maxwell Troop
Maxwell Troop (together with his fiancée
Elizabeth Sargent and her brother William
Sargent, both fellow Union College alums)
recently launched Wigeon, an app that enables
users to discover new shows to watch, music
to listen to and places to go via friends' and
connections' recommendations. It replaces
those "notes" we write to ourselves to check
things out later by allowing the user to
record the recommendation in a centralized
repository, and take action right away. Max
worked with Brooklyn-based mobile app
developer App Partner to launch his new,
free lifestyle app for iOS. Wigeon is receiving
great reviews from the tech media, including AlleyWatch and TechTimes. See www.
alleywatch.com/2016/04/launched-alleyquestionnaire-wigeon and www.techtimes.
migrants who are pursuing graduate school
in the United States will assist Akusobi with his
MD-PhD studies at Harvard Medical School,
where he is a second-year student, researching better treatment and cure of infectious
diseases. (See p. 36)
Leah Mishkin is an on-air reporter for the
News 12 television network. After graduating
from Emerson College in broadcast journalism in 2012 she worked at the CBS station in
Myrtle Beach, SC as an on air correspondent.
She returned to NYC in April 2015 for her News
12 job. She is also pursuing a Masters' degree
in Criminal Justice through Boston University.
Leah reconnected with Horace Mann School
when she did a story on a Habitat Home HM
students built in Yonkers, NY, that was dedicated on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2015.
Leah Mishkin '08 interviews HM Habitat Club president
Ahmet (Ike) Kilinc '16. photo by Jasmin Ortiz
Nicole Lustig Paternak was married
to Merin Pasternak '09 on September 20,
2015. Among the guests were close to 30
HM alums including those pictured. The HM
Alumni and Development Office provided the
HM "swag" for the event. Along with the bride
and groom (center) HMers at the wedding
included Allie Lustig '10, Gabi Lustig '13, Harley
Pasternak '12, Sam Shelley '09, Vardan Gattani
'09, Peter Jacobs '09, Spencer Fallek '09,
Nicky Robbins '09, Andy Jabban '09, David
Sukenik '09, DJ Amirsaleh '09, Nicky Ruth,
Josh Friedman, Rachel Zukerman, Ali Levine,
Danielle Greenberg, Steven Friedman '72, Lisa
Braunstein Zola '83, Alex Baumann '16, James
Baumann '18, Matthew Baumann '22, Ross
Karetsky '14, Ethan Karetsky, '10, Tory Lynch
'09, Dipika Sen '09, and Matt Klimerman '09.
Chidiebere (Chidi) Akusobi was named
one of 30 recipients of a Paul & Daisy Soros
Fellowship for New Americans. Selected
from among 1,443 applicants this award that
supports immigrants and the children of imHorace Mann Magazine Summer 2016
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Summer 2016
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Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - 2
Horace Mann - Summer 2016 - Contents
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