Horace Mann - Winter 2012 - (Page 24)
news of the School
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Hor ace Mann ScHool JoUrnal
Horace Mann Launches Institutional Research Office
Lisa Moreira is named Director, as Jason Caldwell ’97 becomes Director of Admissions
enrollment Management, especially in its formative years,” said Dr. Kelly. “She is an expert in data research and analysis. She is also deeply committed to Horace Mann School, as someone who has overseen the admissions process for nearly a generation of HM students, and as a Horace Mann School parent herself. lisa has always made what is best for the school her priority. She has long believed HM could benefit greatly from the kind of research she is now doing. “With all she was doing in admissions lisa never had the time to do the institutional research she wanted to accomplish. now she can,” continued Dr. Kelly. “However, she felt she could not leave her position as admissions Director without the right person to fill her spot. Therefore, at lisa’s suggestion, and with my full support, we invited Jason caldwell ’97 to come back to Horace Mann as Director of admissions. He served as assistant Director of admissions under lisa Moreira from 2004 to 2007, and then as Director of Middle and Upper Division admissions at packer collegiate institute, before returning to HM.” “lisa and Jason are working closely together today. lisa is responsible for overseeing the admissions office, and supervises the financial aid process. Jason is in charge of the day-to-day operations of admissions, from nursery through grade twelve.” both lisa Moreira and Jason caldwell are excited about the work they have embarked upon, separately and together. They’re also thrilled to resume a working relationship that
Lisa moreira and Jason caldwell ’97
irst on the list of Horace Mann School’s defining core values is the pursuit of “The life of the Mind.” With its focus on lifelong learning this value is not simply one of acquiring knowledge, but of fostering students’ ability to evaluate and apply that knowledge in meaningful ways. like its students, Horace Mann School’s teachers and administrators are involved in a constant learning process, examining curricula, programs and policies to fulfill the school’s mission of preparing “a diverse community of students to lead great and giving lives.” Thus, in 2011, Horace Mann Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly established an office of institutional research and enrollment Management. its goal is to gather facts, statistics, impressions and reflections about Horace Mann that will 24
Horace mann magazine Winter 2012
inform HM’s ongoing effort on behalf of its students, families, and community. The enrollment Management aspect of the office’s work brings important demographic figures into this quest. This new initiative represents Horace Mann’s first-ever foray into formalizing data about the school. it is also the first research-dedicated office established at an independent school. in creating the institutional research office, Dr. Kelly looked to Horace Mann’s own former Director of admissions, lisa Moreira, to guide its work. a graduate of MiT who is adept at data gathering and analysis, Moreira has the human touch that makes her a leader in the world of independent school admissions. “i can think of no better person than lisa to direct our office of institutional research and
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Winter 2012
Horace Mann - Winter 2012
Greetings from Dr. Tom Kelly
Greetings from Melissa Parento ’90
Horace Mann School’s 125th Anniversary Observances Begin
Strategic Thinking
New Initiatives in Institutional Research and Admissions
HM's New Director of College Counseling
Timothy HO and Monica Merlo are 2011 Tina and Dave Bellet Teaching Excellence Award Winners
Langfan Oratorical Contest, 2011
Horace Mann School Graduates 178 in June, 2011
Alumni Council Corner
Class Notes
Philanthropy and You
Horace Mann - Winter 2012