Horace Mann - Winter 2012 - (Page 64)
philanthropy and you
125 years create multiple memories, and reasons to support horace mann school
64 Push ups 65 “The first rule of education: ask yourself questions.” 66 “Buy your candies at Andy’s. They’re dandies.” 67 Audrey!!!! 68 Red flag for Ms. Balletta 69 Singing “Hallelujah” at the holiday concert 70 “The Year of the Whale” 71 Cold Cut City 72 “SALVE!” 73 “It’s the poor workman who blames his tools.” 74 Trashketball 75 Camp Moosilauke 76 Dollar Day 77 The Siberians 78 Home Plate: Tibbett Ave. 79 Survivors 80 MAGNA EST VERITAS 81 White dresses 82 Exchange students 83 Lou & Tito’s: “Where the elite meet to eat” 84 “Buildering” up Tillinghast 85 Mr. B’s carpool 86 The Record 100 87 Fake dive 44— bootleg. T.D. vs. Riverdale
94 “The moment someone says he is better than someone else is the moment he loses his humanity.” 95 Tennis courts and wooden track on 4 Acres 96 Elevator passes: $5 97 Color war 98 “I was born at night but it wasn’t last night.” 99 Mark Twain teaches math?! 100 The Muscat Wall 101 The Breezeway 102 Dorrientation 103 Varsity Club 104 Saturday Morning Tutoring 105 Williamsburg, Grade 6 106 Mannikin Dedications 107 The Commandment 108 The CAT 109 “Firsties” 110 The car in the cafeteria 111 The Forum 112 “Just walk away.” 113 Carnation Day 114 The Junior Carnival Goldfish 115 Advisory Groups 116 Cross Country Magic Circle 117 Class Day 118 Class Day Record Issue: Deadline 6 a.m. 119 Senior Scream 120 The Bookstore 121 Book Day 122 David’s Corner 123 “Those dancing feet, on 42nd Street” 124 When Ms. Walker wanted to work for JetBlue 125 “ We were strangers met in friendship…”
elebrations in honor of Horace Mann School’s 125 anniversary are underway, with programs for students and alumni throughout the school. New initiatives on behalf of alumni continue to connect graduates of Horace Mann from across the generations with the HM community of today. As Horace Mann’s alumni visit campus, or gather at events, they inevitably exchange reflections on favorite classes and teachers, or the big games, theatrical performances or the pranks and pratfalls that create meaningful memories— and keep HM’s alumni and families connected to this school. These memories are also among the many reasons Horace Mann’s community supports its school through its Annual Fund. In honor of Horace Mann’s 125th year, we offer 125 of these recollections, in no significant order, to stir your own memories of your school. Please, keep the conversation going, by submitting your own memories to: magazine@horacemann.org, and add your support by clicking on www.horacemann.org/support.
What is in that time capsule we buried on Clark Field in 2001?
16 The Dorms 17 “The flowers are freezing, awaiting the warmth of the spring. And then they bloom.” 18 Senior Slump 19 Lean-tos at Dorr 20 The Loeb’s Pond 21 “The Bishop Orders His Lunch” 22 “ We’ll see.” 23 “Men of Harlech” 24 “There will be a war, and you will be in it.” 25 The Lion Roars 26 “Be well.” 27 Sixty seconds of Peace 28 Middle Memories Time Capsules 29 “Business is Isness” 30 Record polls 31 The rooftop playground 32 Middle Memories 33 The Barnard Bears 34 “ What’s the Sig?”
35 “Sleeping privileges”: $2.50 36 pehee-nuee-nuee 37 Basketball Ivy team of ’65 38 “Things are more the way they are now than they’ve ever been before. And that’s gotta change!” 39 Ultimate! 40 “The Commandment” 41 Pedro homers over the tennis courts 42 Scuba Club? 43 “The time is now.” 44 Lit Chat Sleepover 45 Coach 46 “You don’t tie, you don’t eat.” 47 Wonder Walk 48 “All loyal to Horace Mann, fair Alma Mater” 49 “First let me see your combs, nail files, and handkerchiefs.”
50 “Hit the pause button.” 51 The Quinnmen 52 Hazen Gymnasium 53 “ You would never wear your underwear outside your clothes, so don’t put a period or comma outside quotation marks.” 54 A. Bardena McIntosh 55 Chapel 56 Dorr’mores 57 Library Wall: “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” 58 “No Limits!” 59 Buzzell Game 60 “Gloomy the Days When We Must Leave Our Beloved Horace Mann” 61 Graduation Leis 62 Madame 63 Fifth Form Carnival
2 “On the Hills Above the Hudson” 3 “Back to your nest, birdie.” 4 5 The Trailers Moment of silence in creaky Crazy Creek Chairs Song Fest Gilbert and Sullivan Choice! Hatching chicks
6 7 8 9
10 Survivors 11 The Fourth Floor of Tillinghast 12 “There is more to teenage life than sticking your face in a book for 70 hours.” 13 The Purple “B” 14 Senior Absurdity Day 15 Game goes extra innings; bus driver leaves; team walks: Fordham Prep to HM
88 “Peas and carrots, peas and carrots…” 89 Saturday night dances 90 “Let’s get everybody in a room and talk about it.” 91 Killer Kane and Joe Badoogie 92 Stella’s 93 Trolley up Broadway
Horace mann magazine Winter 2012
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Winter 2012
Horace Mann - Winter 2012
Greetings from Dr. Tom Kelly
Greetings from Melissa Parento ’90
Horace Mann School’s 125th Anniversary Observances Begin
Strategic Thinking
New Initiatives in Institutional Research and Admissions
HM's New Director of College Counseling
Timothy HO and Monica Merlo are 2011 Tina and Dave Bellet Teaching Excellence Award Winners
Langfan Oratorical Contest, 2011
Horace Mann School Graduates 178 in June, 2011
Alumni Council Corner
Class Notes
Philanthropy and You
Horace Mann - Winter 2012