Cadalyst - December 2006 - 2

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1-19283252-NXT.qxd 2/6/07 2:19 PM Page 2 NOVEMBER 2006
IronCAD 9 Hybrid 3D modeler makes history tree optional. IronCAD has
released v9 of its versatile 3D modeling software. Positioned to compete
with midrange solid modelers such as SolidWorks and Inventor, it’s a
hybrid modeler—in other words, a program that can use parametric as well
as explicit methodologies. IronCAD 9 can be either history-based—using
sketches and constraints to control how things are constructed in a
particular order—or nonhistory-based—building geometry without regard
to the construction order. That choice allows users to model the forms
they want virtually without regard for how the software wants to do
things. Modeling can be quite freeform, but controlled when appropriate
figure 1 . IronCAD 9 can manage this double duty especially well because
it’s a dual-kernel program. It has its feet firmly in the ACIS camp but
also in the Parasolid camp, a unique approach. The two modeling kernels
usually don’t get to talk to each other much, but in IronCAD 9 they work
as a team and constantly query each other to make sure the job at hand is
being done in the best way. If one kernel can do something better, it
takes over, giving the reins back to the default kernel when it’s done.
That way, users get the best capabilities of both kernels. By the way,
IronCAD does all this transparently. ng Si or N XT This version: . . . . .
. . . . . A Ease of use: . . . . . . . . . . A Features: . . . . . . . . .
. . . A Installation: . . . . . . . . . . A Customization: . . . . . . . .
B Interoperability: . . . . . . . A Third-party add-ons: . . . . C Help: .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Innovation: . . . . . . . . . . . A+
Value: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A pr in OVERALL PRODUCT: A+ Pros:
Users can model any way they like, with parameters or without. Cons: Small
user base but developer is working on that . Price: $3,495 IronCAD
800.339.7304 tf 3D Modeling Software le C By Mike
Hudspeth, IDSA Figure 1. IronCAD allows geometry to be placed by dragging
preexisting parts and assemblies from catalogs onto the scene. Beyond
specifying the default, users never have to chose which kernel they want
working. Workin’ It! IronCAD 9 is intended for tasks such as industrial
design, where its powerful modeling capability helps to quickly generate
iterative concepts; engineering and manufacturing, where accuracy and
control are paramount; and product design and packaging, where ease of use
is imperative. Just about everything in the program can be dragged and
dropped. IronCAD 9 uses catalogs or collections of predefined
geometry—features, parts and assemblies—that can be brought into a
model from almost anywhere figure 1 . Figure 2. Once parts are put onto
the scene, SmartAssembly places them exactly where they need to be. op y
us e O nl y VOL. 23 NO. 11   Warning : Unknown : The session id contains invalid characters, valid
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Unknown : Failed to write session data files . Please verify that the
current setting of session.save_path is correct /var/lib/php/session in
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Cadalyst - December 2006

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Cadalyst - December 2006

Cadalyst - December 2006 - 1
Cadalyst - December 2006 - 2
Cadalyst - December 2006 - 3
Cadalyst - December 2006 - 4