OCTOBER IS there are many types of co-ops ALL OVER THE WORLD! Co-ops welcome everyone to join! (inclusion) co-ops are just like TEAMS working together to do amazing things! every co-op functions with these MONTH SEVEN PRINCIPLES: Members call the shots! Everyone has a vote in a running the co-op. (voice) with a co-op, everyone wins! ,I\RXSDUWLFLSDWH\RXEHQHÀW3DUWLFLSDWLRQOHDGV to services that help all the members. Surpluses DUHUHWXUQHGWRPHPEHUVSDUWLFLSDWLRQ 7KHPHPEHUVDUHLQFRQWUROQRWRXWVLGHUV 0HPEHUVRZQWKHFRRSHUDWLYHDQGHOHFWWKHLU FRRS·VOHDGHUVLQGHSHQGHQFH &RRSVWHDFKVRSHRSOHFDQGRWKHLU MREVEHWWHU³DQGNQRZKRZFRRSV EHQHÀWWKHPHGXFDWLRQ Co-ops help each other. (cooperation) Giving to the community is the co-op way! Co-ops help their neighbors by giving scholarships, KHOSLQJWKRVHLQQHHGDQG sponsoring local events. (community) Buddy Bear found a photo he likes in this issue - but he likes to see things big - so he zoomed in on his favorite part. Your mission? Mail Buddy Bear a note telling him what page you found the photo on and your age. If you're correct, your name goes into a drawing to win a Buddy Bear drawstring EDFNSDFN:H¶OOFKRRVH¿YHZLQQHUVHDFKPRQWK6HQG\RXUDQVZHUWR%XGG\%HDU¶V³)LQG7KH 3KRWR´32%R[-HIIHUVRQ&LW\02&RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRODVWPRQWK¶VZLQQHUV7ZLOD =LPPHUPDQ/HZLQ'LOOHU5DFKHO3DUNHU$YHQLU6LOFKXNDQG&ODUN7ROWRQ7KHLPDJHZDVRQSDJH ²LWZDVJUDI¿WLRQWKH%HUOLQ:DOODWWKH1DWLRQDO&KXUFKLOO0XVHXPLQ)XOWRQ7KHSKRWRFDQEH YLHZHGLQRXU6HSWHPEHUGLJLWDOHGLWLRQDWZZZUXUDOPLVVRXULFRRS7KLVPRQWK¶VHQWULHVPXVWEH UHFHLYHGE\2FW6RUU\DGXOWV²WKLVFRQWHVWLVIRUNLGVDQGXQGHU 38 RURAL MISSOURI | OCTOBER 2019 CONGRATULATIONS to the winners in our "PHOTOS WITH BUDDY BEAR" contest! KYLEE RAINES SHELLY ROSShttp://www.ruralmissouri.coop/