NEW Advanced Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aid * $ Technology Only 229! (*Each when you buy a pair) The new Advanced HearClear HCR3 rechargeable hearing aid combines advanced technology with a low price to provide you with outstanding value. TM 5 Star Reviews! Outstanding Product! "This product is outstanding. Dad loves it, my mom loves it, and I am grateful! Don't believe that you have to spend a lot of money to get a quality hearing aid" - Gilmore B. HCR3 Features! New Advanced Third Genera�on American Technology Digital sound processing chip provides clear sound and makes speech easier to understand with less feedback than old analog technology Don't worry about replacing ba�eries! Full Charge Gives 16 Hours of Use! (Charger Included) Easy On / Off Bu�on Automa�c Noise Reduc�on and Feedback Cancella�on 100% Money Back Guarantee 4 Programs for different listening situa�ons Even Better In Pairs! Your brain is designed to use both ears working together. In fact, studies show that you may be able to hear up to 3 �mes be�er in noisy situa�ons when using two hearing aids. Buy a pair for the best results and maximum savings! ADVANCED A) Microphone B) Program Bu�on C) Volume Control D) USB Charging Port & Rechargeable Ba�ery E) Advanced Digital Processor F) Receiver (Speaker) G) Sound Tube Simple. Affordable. Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aid - For Only $229!* The new HearClearTM HCR3 Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aids features advanced third generation digital technology at an unbelievably affordable price! The HCR3 is packed with the same key technologies that all high end digital hearing aids share while leaving out the extra bells and whistles that increase cost and require NOW ON SALE! expensive adjustments. This helps you hear better, while saving you a lot of money. Your new HearClear HCR3 hearing aids work at a fraction of the cost of name-brand hearing aids, and you won't have to keep changing the batteries! You will love the discreet, comfortable, lightweight Open-fit design. The HCR3 is pre-programmed for most moderate to significant hearing losses, so you won't need professional appointments to make costly adjustments. It is shipped directly to you and will help you hear better right out of the box! You can spend thousands for an expensive hearing aid, or you can spend just $249 for a hearing aid that is great for most hearing losses (only $229 each when you buy a pair - hear up to 3 times better than wearing just one). We are so sure you will love your hearing aids that we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee - Risk Free if you are not satisfied for any reason. MONEY SAVING OFFER! Use Coupon Code: RU9A 1-888-539-0406 *Only $229 Each When You Buy A Pair! (Coupon Code & Price Valid For A Limited Time Only) The HCR3 TM Affordable Quality Since 1996! US Company Owned And Operated FDA REGISTERED Visit and Save: