RM | COOPERATION Electrifying ag Farms have historically run on fossil fuels, from diesel tractors and irrigation equipment to propane space and water heating for barns. But farmers are beginning to see the cost, convenience and environmental benefi ts of going electric. Around 80% of U.S. farms are in counties served by electric cooperatives, and co-ops across the country are working to help them switch to effi cient electric devices. Here are some of the key systems co-ops are promoting. Battery pack Space heating Electric technologies including heating, storage, waste heat recovery and heat pumps can help cut farm space-conditioning costs. Tractors Water heating Large-capacity water heaters, used mainly in dairy operations, are signifi cantly more effi cient when run on electricity. Electric tractors are an emerging technology but show promise for higher effi ciency and less maintenance. They could also pave the way for autonomous equipment and " precision ag. " Radio wave dryer Radio frequency generator Electric pivot motor Irrigation Replacing ineffi cient diesel irrigation motors with higheffi ciency electric ones can result in substantial energy cost savings for farms. Electric water pump 4 RURAL MISSOURI | MAY 2022 Grain drying Drying grain is extremely energyintensive. Emerging electric systems, including new ones that use radio waves, show promise for being more effi cient and effective. Electric air blower Source: NRECA Business & Technology Strategies Design: Kevin Kepple