summer is a great time to go camping. there are lots of fun things you can do around a campfi re. choose never build a fi re when it's windy. but it's important to protect our forests and wildlife with these safety tips. a location 15 feet away from tents, gear and anything fl ammable. make sure your campfi re is in the open, not under tree limbs or anything hanging overhead. clear a space around the campfi re as a safety barrier. keep water and a shovel nearby to put out your never leave a fi re unattended and never build a fi re without adult supervision. fi re when you are fi nished. when the fi re is out, drown the ashes with lots of water and stir it with the shovel to make a " Mud Pie. " make sure the campfi re site is cold before leaving. if it's still warm, pour more water over the ashes.