Custom Sales Book - 34

Buddy Bear’s Book Nook
i friends. I hope you’re taking time to read a few new books during your summer break! Don’t forget to enter the drawing for the books (see the instructions at the end of this section). Media Meltdown by Liam O’Donnell; for ages 8 to 11. When Karl Reed, owner of Oasis Developments, tries to force the sale of a local fruit farm — through whatever means necessary — Pema, Bounce and Jagroop (the book’s main characters) decide to expose him through the media. Little do they realize that when it comes to the news and the advertisers who make it possible, the truth is not always part of the story and nothing can be taken at face value. While learning about media and the power of money, the youths decide to take on the developers and the media. The Mealworm Diaries by Anna Kerz; for ages 8 to 12. Mealworms are small creatures that live in dark secret places. Jeremy is a bit like that when he leaves his home in rural Nova Scotia and moves to Toronto with his mother. Lots of things keep him from enjoying his new life, but the worst is his science partner, Aaron,


who is more annoying than sand in a bathing suit. Jeremy also is burdened by the secret he carries about the motorcycle accident that injured him and killed his father. Although Jeremy is haunted by his past, he starts to feel at home when he realizes he has skills to share with his classmates. And when his mealworm project yields surprising results, Jeremy is finally able to talk about his part in the fatal accident. Addison Addley and the Trick of the Eye by Melody DeFields McMillan; for ages 8 to 11. Addison Addley’s mother wants to sell their comfortable old house and move into a small townhouse in a new development across town — “a shoe box near a shoe factory,” Addison calls it. As usual, Addison’s brain goes into overdrive as he puts his own unique spin on optical illusions and ends up surprising everyone — even himself. Pierre le Poof! by Andrea Beck; for ages 4 to 8. Pierre is a pampered show dog pooch who is torn between his love for his owner and his dreams of running wild in the park. One day, the poodle runs away and gets more than he bargained for on the streets — and he soon realizes that there is no place like home. To order these books, contact your local bookstore or call ORCA Book Publishers at 1-800-210-5277.

Buddy Bear’s Word Watch


ry your hand at my monthly word watch. It’s easy. I’ll list three words for you to find. You read the stories in Rural Missouri and look for the words. When you find them, look them up in a dictionary to learn what they mean. Then send me a note telling me the stories where you found the words, what each word means as it’s used in the story and your age. If you get all the words right, your name goes into a drawing to win one of our Buddy Bear drawstring backpacks! We’ll pick up to five winners each month. Send your answers to:

Buddy Bear’s Word Watch P. O. Box 1645 Jefferson City, MO 65102
Deadline to enter is the 15th of the month that Rural Missouri is dated. (For example, words from the May issue would be due May 15.) Kids, please wait a month before re-entering — and parents, this is only for kids up to age 15. Entries must be handwritten by the youth, please.

Can you find this month’s words? 1) forefathers 2) sequential 3) mosaic
Congratulations to last month’s winners! Remington Kesten, Caitlyn Helman, Cy Black, Marlene Weaver and Kendra Reiff

Enter to win the books!


end in your name and address, along with the title of the book you’d like to win, to: Buddy’s Book Drawing, P.O. Box 1645, Jefferson City, MO 65102. We’ll be drawing for two sets of the books. Entries must be received by July 15, 2010. (Remember adults, this contest is only for kids up to age 15!)




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Custom Sales Book

Custom Sales Book
Ghosts of the Grasslands
Out of the Way Eats
Mail Bag
Best of Rural Missouri
Hearth and Home
News Briefs
What’s Old is New Again
Around Missouri
Missouri’s Horse
Look for the Dinosaur

Custom Sales Book

Custom Sales Book - Custom Sales Book (Page Cover1)
Custom Sales Book - Custom Sales Book (Page Cover2)
Custom Sales Book - Contents (Page 3)
Custom Sales Book - Comments (Page 4)
Custom Sales Book - Comments (Page BB1)
Custom Sales Book - Comments (Page BB2)
Custom Sales Book - Columns (Page 5)
Custom Sales Book - Columns (Page 6)
Custom Sales Book - Columns (Page 7)
Custom Sales Book - Ghosts of the Grasslands (Page 8)
Custom Sales Book - Ghosts of the Grasslands (Page 9)
Custom Sales Book - Ghosts of the Grasslands (Page 10)
Custom Sales Book - Ghosts of the Grasslands (Page 11)
Custom Sales Book - Out of the Way Eats (Page 12)
Custom Sales Book - Out of the Way Eats (Page 13)
Custom Sales Book - Mail Bag (Page 14)
Custom Sales Book - Mail Bag (Page 15)
Custom Sales Book - Mail Bag (Page 16)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 17)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 18)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 18a)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 18b)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 19)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 20)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 21)
Custom Sales Book - Best of Rural Missouri (Page 22)
Custom Sales Book - Hearth and Home (Page 23)
Custom Sales Book - News Briefs (Page 24)
Custom Sales Book - News Briefs (Page 25)
Custom Sales Book - What’s Old is New Again (Page 26)
Custom Sales Book - What’s Old is New Again (Page 27)
Custom Sales Book - Marketplace (Page 28)
Custom Sales Book - Marketplace (Page 29)
Custom Sales Book - Around Missouri (Page 30)
Custom Sales Book - Missouri’s Horse (Page 31)
Custom Sales Book - Look for the Dinosaur (Page 32)
Custom Sales Book - Look for the Dinosaur (Page 33)
Custom Sales Book - Just4Kids (Page 34)
Custom Sales Book - Just4Kids (Page 35)
Custom Sales Book - Just4Kids (Page Cover4)