MEMBER NEWS Camel riding in Abu Dhabi. leaders around the industry who specialize in prognostics and health management. We have shared best practices, lessons learned, and debated standard terminology. We have worked together to create valuable documents that have pushed predictive analytics from being an emerging technology to being standard work for the aerospace industry. Many of my fellow committee members have become dear friends to me and I look forward to seeing them every six months. In what ways have you been involved with SAE? I have been active in SAE technical standards committees since 2004. My first committee was the E32 Committee for Propulsion Systems Health Management, where I served 18 September 2019 DOSSIER: Rhonda Walthall of Collins Aerospace as the first female Chair and Vice-Chair. I am a founding member of the HM-1 Committee for Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM). I am founding member and Past Chair/Vice-Chair of the IVHM Steering Group. I am a founding member and current Chair of the G-31 Committee for Electronic Transactions for Aerospace. I am the Past Chair of the Reliability, Maintainability, & Health Management Systems Group. I am a member of the Digital & Data Steering Group. I have served as the Document Sponsor multiple times as well as written book chapters and conducted webcasts for SAE. I have also served as Chair and Member of the SAE Fellows Selection Committee and I have served on several awards selection committees. I am the recipient of the 2017 Rodica Baranescu Award for Technical & Leadership Excellence and the 2016 James M. Crawford Technical Standards Board Award for Outstanding Achievement. I have served as a Technical Leader and a Technical Session Chair and Organizer for several AeroTech Conferences as well as other SAE conferences. How has SAE Membership been beneficial to you? There are certain awards and positions that are only available to SAE Members. One day I hope to become an SAE Fellow, which is only available to SAE Members. For many years, I was active with the technical UPDATE