CONTENTS VOLUME 36 ISSUE 11 2 SAE News 2 Automated Vehicle Safety Consortium expands global presence 4 PROPEL: All about volunteerism 6 SAE voting members, exercise your voting privilege - election of 2020-21 SAE Officers Cover Story 8 Carla at COMVEC No stranger to a conference podium, former SAE VP Carla Bailo gives her "grand vision" at COMVEC conference. 20 27 24 Member Benefits 18 What's happening in the Member Connection Publications 20 The road to the top for women SAE Foundation 24 STEM Under the Stars: Help the SAE Foundation develop diverse, STEM-fluent future innovators 25 SAE scholarships there for the taking Advertising 27 Classified advertising Member News 12 DOSSIER - Kelly Schmitz of Cummins 16 Farewells UPDATE November 2019 1