EDITORIAL Focusing on gratitude while working remotely which are plentiful, seem all the more impressive when juxtaposed with her SAE career experience. In addition to managing the Member Benefits Community in Member Connection, Corey has added several new presenters to SAE's Industrial Lecture Series program, including the first two women speakers. With a strong focus on student engagement, she was instrumental in launching a new initiative aimed at creating awareness about SAE on college and university campuses and successfully executing the first-ever Student and Young Professional Tech Paper Competition, which was introduced as a new member benefit last fall. Her undeniable enthusiasm and support for SAE's mission is evidenced by the amount of care and creativity she puts into each and every project. She is a great new addition to our team. Parting thoughts So let me wrap up by saying that I think working from home is not ideal...but it IS the right thing to do. We need to give the true heroes the space they need so that we can someday get back to some semblance of what used to be. Until that time, try to take a moment to celebrate some of the things that you truly appreciate. Hoping you and yours are safe and healthy. Officers and Directors of the Board The Executive Nominating Committee invites SAE International members to submit names for consideration for the Board of Directors, Slate of Nominees. Key qualifications of SAE Board members include: a demonstrated, strong commitment and knowledge of the SAE Vision and Ends; active membership and participation in the society; and the time and talents to serve in a leadership role. Nominations may be submitted at any time via email encnominations@sae.org or fax +1.724.776.5944. UPDATE May 2020 7