PUBLICATIONS versatility and confidence as experience accumulates. In general, the more familiar developments tend to suggest quicker acceptance of test trial initiation, while comparatively unexplored techniques call for a more gradual assimilation. Flexibility for growth is needed in any event, without the pervasive delays that have obstructed progress for so long. SAE EDGE Research Reports are Silver Medal winner n cident e of ect. Cover image used under license from Huettenhoelscher/osobystist side... ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION SERIES | Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction | Rose | Neale nstruction y mstrong intended to identify and illuminate key issues in emerging, but still unsettled, technologies of interest to the mobility industry. The goal of the reports is to stimulate discussion and work in the hope of promoting and speeding resolution of identified issues. The reports are not intended to resolve the challenges they identify or close any topic to further scrutiny. ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION SERIES Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction An SAE Deep Dive Nathan A. Rose | William T.C. Neale UPDATE "Motorcycle Crash Reconstruction" by Nathan Rose was awarded the Silver Medal for Excellence in Independent Publishing for the category of Professional and Technical Reference by the Benjamin Franklin Award for Excellence organization. The award was announced live on May 7 as part of a larger online event. It's the second Silver Medal for an SAE book in two years. July 2020 35