Publications involved in ADS planning and development and public sector staff involved in other aspects beyond ADS policy. The recently released report was authored by Bob McQueen, Chief Executive Officer of Bob McQueen and Associates, who is an internationally recognized expert in the application of advanced technology to transportation. He has provided consulting advice to central and local governments in the Middle East, AsiaPacific, Europe, and North America. He has also advised global companies when entering or improving positioning in the market for advanced transportation solutions. McQueen specializes in the UPDATE concise communication of complex technology concepts, matching user needs to technology capabilities and constraints. SAE EDGE Research Reports are intended to identify and illuminate key issues in emerging, but still unsettled, technologies of interest to the mobility industry. The goal of the reports is to stimulate discussion and work in the hope of promoting and speeding resolution of identified issues. SAE EDGE Research Reports are not intended to resolve the challenges they identify or close any topic to further scrutiny. n November 2020 21