Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - 1

SAE's International's HM-1 Integrated Vehicle Health
Management Committee and E-32 Aerospace Propulsion
Systems Health Management Committee met in Bangalore,
India from October 14-16. This marked the first time that SAE
International aerospace standards committees have met in India.
These successful meetings featured active participation
from representatives of the Indian technical community,
with several local attendees becoming new members of the
The HM1 committee agreed to begin development of a new
standard in the IVHM suite, "ARP6887: Verification and
Validation of Integrated Vehicle Health Management Systems
and Software," which will cover the objective and activities of
verification and validation processes required to assure high
quality and/or criticality levels of IVHM systems and software.
Immediately following the committee meetings, SAE
International partnered with SAEINDIA Aerospace to present
the "Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) for
Aerospace Applications" workshop on October 17th. This
all-day conference provided the opportunity for interaction
between Indian engineers and researchers and international
experts from the aerospace community.
The workshop's keynote speech was given by Dr. Richard
Greaves, SAE President-Elect and Chief of Technology
Officer Emeritus, Meggitt PLC. Its opening address was given

Dr. Richard Greaves, SAE
2015 President-Elect,
presenting the keynote
address at the SAE -
in Bangalore in October.

by Dr. Bala Bharadvaj, Leader of Engineering, Operations
& Technology for Boeing India and Chair of the SAE India
Aerospace Board. Closing remarks were presented by Dr.
Bharadvaj and David Alexander, Senior Coordinator, SAE
Aerospace Standards Europe.
Plenary talks were given by: Dr. Ravi Rajamani of Meggitt and
the HM-1 Chair; Professor Ian Jennions of the Cranfield IVHM
Centre; David Kinney of Boeing; and Dr. Steve Heath of Etihad

SAE International partnered with the Royal Aeronautical
Society's Air Transport Group to present the "Civil Aircraft
Technology Enabled Services - A First Step Towards
Achieving Maintenance Credits" workshop in London on
October 24th.
The goal of this event, which marked the first such partnership
between SAE and the Royal Aeronautical Society, was to initiate
a process to develop an industry-wide approach towards
achieving maintenance credits for using IVHM technologies.
The workshop's opening remarks were presented by conference
chairs Dr. Richard Greaves, SAE President-Elect and Chief of
Technology Officer Emeritus, Meggitt PLC, and Martin Broadhurst,
President-Elect of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS).
The event featured participation by many members
of SAE's HM-1 Integrated Vehicle Health Management
Committee and E-32 Aerospace Propulsion Systems Health
Management Committee.
The workshop began with views from the airline industry by
Dr. Steve Heath of Etihad Airways, and from the maintenance

function by Dirk van den Herik, AF/KLM Engineering and
Maintenance. Alastair Healey and Jean-Pierre Arnaud of EASA
then provided an in-depth review of the certification and
maintenance processes relevant to the use of IVHM and health
management technologies for maintenance. Industry standards
were highlighted as a key component of the regulatory process
and David Alexander of SAE International gave an update of
the SAE standards activities under the SAE IVHM initiative.
The event also featured sessions on these topics:
* Data interoperability, led by Charlie Dibsdale, Chief of
Engineering Research and Intellectual Property, Controls and
Data Services, Rolls-Royce
* The maintenance credits process, led by Ken Pipe, Principle
Engineer at Humaware
* Steps for early engagement with the regulator, led by the
EASA delegates.

A follow up meeting, which again will be a partnership between
SAE and the RAeS, is being planned for the spring of 2015.

SAE International Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014



Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014

Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014
Table of Contents
AAerospace Council meets at EASA Headquarters in Cologne Franklin Kolk Award presented
Two aerospace standards committee meetings, workshop, held in India in October
SAE partners with Royal Aeronautical Society to hold maintenance credits workshop
SAE receives FAA task requests for standards on RFID, helicopter hoists
SAE 2015 President-Elect has made significant contributions to numerous aerospace standards committees
Robert Ireland nominated as SAE Vice President – Aerospace
Aerospace Engine Supplier Quality Committee publishes first standard, plans training course
New manufacturing management standards released
Short courses held in conjunction with A-6 committee fall meeting
SAE A-10 committee works with New Jersey high school to update aerospace standards
SAE aerospace committees provide valuable input into industry’s conference on icing
Material Substitution Steering Group launched
Additive Manufacturing Task Group seeks members
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - Table of Contents
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - AAerospace Council meets at EASA Headquarters in Cologne Franklin Kolk Award presented
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - SAE partners with Royal Aeronautical Society to hold maintenance credits workshop
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - SAE 2015 President-Elect has made significant contributions to numerous aerospace standards committees
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - Aerospace Engine Supplier Quality Committee publishes first standard, plans training course
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - New manufacturing management standards released
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - SAE A-10 committee works with New Jersey high school to update aerospace standards
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - SAE aerospace committees provide valuable input into industry’s conference on icing
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - Additive Manufacturing Task Group seeks members
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - 8
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - 9
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - 10
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - 11
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - 12
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - Cover3
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - December 2014 - Cover4