Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 1

inFormAtion rEport on FibEr optic sEnsors to bE publishEd
AIR6258 ™, "Fiber Optic Sensors
for Aerospace Applications,"
will be published soon by SAE's
As-3 Fiber optics and Applied
photonics committee.

sAE, Arinc, EtA pArtnEr
to dEVElop FibEr optics
cErtiFicAtion progrAm
Adapted from ETA International press release
A cooperative effort between SAE
International, ARINC, and ETA International
(Electronics Training Association) has
resulted in an aerospace and avionics fiber
optics training and certification program.

This document, described as
"the encyclopedia of fiber optic
sensors," includes contributions
from 50 experts from industry,
military, government and
academia, and is the culmination of
a five-year effort by the committee.
The report includes information
on how sensors work, how they
are used in industry, and potential
applications and expansion in other
industries. Although created for the
aerospace industry, AIR6258, because of its broad and detailed nature, can also
apply to such industries as avionics, telecommunications, automotive, oil and gas,
construction, defense and homeland security.
"This report will give valuable information to individuals in other industries
who previously had not considered the use of fiber optic sensors," said bill
woodward, director of engineering products for Ursa Navigation Solutions
and chair of the As-3 committee. "It provides information on many different
components and how they could apply to various applications."
"Traditionally, people think of fiber optics for their use in the Internet and
the medical field," Woodward said. "But, there are an endless number of
applications for these sensors. They can be placed in a bridge to sense how it is
stressed during heavy traffic or imbedded in an airplane wing to sense stress."
For more information, or to order a copy of AIR6258, visit

The need for aerospace and avionic fiber
optic training continues to increase as
fiber optic systems are introduced onto
military and commercial aircraft. A supply
of trained and certified personnel to
install, operate, and maintain emerging
fiber optics technologies is imperative
to the aerospace and avionics fiber
optics industries' abilities to meet their
customer's needs.
Both SAE International and ARINC have
developed extensive fiber optic training
standards, which provide detailed
knowledge and hands-on competencies.
ETA International worked with SAE
and ARINC to create a certification
infrastructure that aligns with the existing
training standards. Successful completion
of the knowledge and hands-on training
detailed in these documents leads to
certification. Third party certification
independently recognizes that a person
has been properly trained, evaluated,
and tested.

sAE to dEVElop EnhAncEd onlinE AErospAcE suppliEr inFormAtion dAtAbAsE
SAE International has been selected by the International
Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) to develop the Online
Aerospace Supplier Information System (OASIS) NextGen
The OASIS database is used as a comprehensive audit
and certification data repository that represents the output
of the accreditation, certification, authentication and
approval processes used by the various stakeholders and
participants within the Industry Controlled Other Party
(ICOP) process.

SAE manages the current OASIS database. The NextGen
database will include all current functionality, plus enhanced
functionality to generate records, manage certification
activities, facilitate the collection of ICOP performance metrics,
and meet stakeholder expectations.
SAE is continually looking to meet the needs of the aerospace
industry by developing customized online solutions. If your
committee or group needs an online tool such as a database,
online guidance material, or certification, please contact Becky
DeGutis at

SAE International Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015



Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015

Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015
Table of Contents
New Aerospace Engine Supply Chain Training Standard Published
Information Report on Fiber Optic Sensors to be Published
SAE to Develop Enhanced Online Aerospace Supplier Information Database
New Aerospace Standard Developed to Support Improved Productivity and Reduce Occupational Disease Among Powered Hand Tool Operators
2015 SAE IVHM & Maintenance Credits Workshop Held In April
16 UK Defence Standards Published as AMS Documents
SAE ITC Purchases ADS Aerospace Technical Standards
SAE, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Sign Memorandum of Understanding
New Committee Chairs
Laura Hitchcock to Receive J. Cordell Breed Award for Women Leaders
Recognitions of Outstanding Service
Air Cargo Pioneer, Former SAE Committee Chair, Honored
G-25 Committee Begins Work on Corrosion Prevention Standard
New Helicopter Hoists Committee Holds First Meeting
Additive Manufacturing Focus of New Committee Work
Enterprise Information Management and Interoperability Committee Seeks Members
Standards Committees Support Aircraft Icing Conference in Prague
A-5, A-6 committees to hold joint fall meeting
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - Table of Contents
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - New Aerospace Engine Supply Chain Training Standard Published
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - SAE to Develop Enhanced Online Aerospace Supplier Information Database
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 2015 SAE IVHM & Maintenance Credits Workshop Held In April
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - SAE ITC Purchases ADS Aerospace Technical Standards
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - New Committee Chairs
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - Air Cargo Pioneer, Former SAE Committee Chair, Honored
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - Additive Manufacturing Focus of New Committee Work
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - A-5, A-6 committees to hold joint fall meeting
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 8
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 9
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 10
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 11
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 12
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - 13
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - June 2015 - Cover4