SAE Digital Library - 6
Audience Solutions Digital [No Matter Where You Work, SAE
The new SAE Digital Library was designed with direct feedback from our customers in academia and industry, and offers features and functionality that help both groups find the information they need. Here’s a few ways the Digital Library can help you, no matter where you work:
With features downloads, th researchers, l the informatio
Find information fast…
The Digital Library’s powerful search engine and userfriendly interface make it a snap to find exactly what you’re looking for. Perform a simple search or use the built-in facets to narrow the results.
…or explore and discover
Developed for e
If you’re not quite sure what you’re looking for, take advantage of the Digital Library’s extensive crossreferencing and taxonomy features to find related content of interest.
...then share results.
Whether you’re design upgrading an existing s that your quality proces you need the most curr engineering informatio need it at a moment’s
Once you’ve found something of interest, there are multiple ways to quickly share it with your peers, including e-mail, HTML linking, and social networking connections.
SAE Digital Library
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SAE Digital Library
SAE Digital Library - Cover1
SAE Digital Library - 2
SAE Digital Library - 3
SAE Digital Library - 4
SAE Digital Library - 5
SAE Digital Library - 6
SAE Digital Library - 7
SAE Digital Library - 8
SAE Digital Library - 9
SAE Digital Library - Cover4