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Du et al
give them the advisement on changing lifestyle, particularly
on diet and physical exercise, also we should follow them
up to learn if the pH monitoring result turn to be positive in
the future.
Moreover, our results show that there were significant differences between the negative and control group in the true
vocal fold regions, but no significant difference in both false
vocal folds regions. This phenomenon was also reported by
Hanson et al, who thought that the vocal fold regions were
much more sensitive to the acid.12
While reflux finding score (RFS) covers only a few characteristics of a laryngoscope image and is judged subjectively,
image analysis based on computer recognition and machinelearning could process the images with more objective and
comprehensive parameters. Furthermore, this method gives
us a possibility to grade the LPR disease. Although there may
be biases of such as different angles, distance, or luminance,
they affect the RFS either. Future work should focus on collecting more patients and tracing changes in laryngoscopic images,
including studies within the negative group.
There are some limitations of this study. There was not a
consensus on diagnosing LPRD through MII-24 h pH monitoring. The normative values for all parameters acquired during
MII-24 h pH monitoring have not been established yet.5
Furthermore, there was still the possibility of a misdiagnosis
to the false positive and false negative results.16 Finally,
MII-24 h pH monitoring was regarded as a poor predictor of
the severity of patients' symptoms and signs, which should have
helped us to determine the developing stage of the disease.17
This study further demonstrates that hue values of separate
laryngeal regions are different. In negative group, the hue values of interarytenoid region are similar with positive group, and
the sensitivity to the acid are different from different regions.
The sensitivity in the true vocal folds may be present.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study
was supported by Beijing Health Promotion Association, A71490-05.
The authors have no other funding, financial relationships, or conflicts
of interest to disclose.
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ENT - September 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ENT - September 2020
The Creation of a Sustainable Otolaryngology Department in Malawi Nathan Douglas Vandjelovic, Eric Masao Sugihara, Wakisa Mulwafu, and David Nathan Madgy
Hazardous Grilling Due to Wire Brushes Nima A. Vahidi, Brenna A. Keane, Paul J. Whalen, and Anita Jeyakumar
Guns n’ Noses: Endoscopic Removal of an Air-Gun Pellet Retained in the Frontal Sinus Dylan A. Levy, Andrew Y. Lee, Waleed M. Abuzeid, and Nadeem A. Akbar
Vitamin D Status in Egyptian Children With Allergic Rhinitis Khaled Saad, Abobakr Abdelmoghny, Mohamed Diab Aboul-Khair, Yasser Farouk Abdel-Raheem, Eman Fathalla Gad, Ahmed El-Sayed Hammour, Bahaa Hawary, Asmaa M. Zahran, Mohamd A. Alblihed, and Amira Elhoufey
Pediatric Epistaxis and Its Correlation Between Air Pollutants in Beijing From 2014 to 2017 Ying-Xia Lu, Jie-Qiong Liang, Qing-Long Gu, Chong Pang, and Chun-Lei Huang
Otomycosis With Tympanic Membrane Perforation: A Review of the Literature Petros Koltsidopoulos and Charalampos Skoulakis
Simultaneous Bilateral Same-Day Endoscopic Myringoplasty Using Tragal Cartilage From One Ear Baklaci Deniz, Kuzucu Ihsan, Guler Ismail, Kum Rauf Oguzhan, and Ozcan Muge
A Preliminary Report on the Investigation of Prestin as a Biomarker for Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Changling Sun, Xiaolin Xuan, Zhi Zhou, Yuan Yuan, and Fei Xue
A Retrospective Study to Identify the Relationship Between the Dimension of Osseous External Auditory Canal and Chronic Otitis Media Yi-Fang Lee, Pei-Yin Wei, Chia-Huei Chu, Wen-Huei Liao, An-Suey Shiao, and Mao-Che Wang
Investigation of the Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment on Respiratory Functions in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Burak Kersin, Murat Karaman, Engin Aynacı, and Ahmet Keles
Changing Trends of Color of Different Laryngeal Regions in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease Chen Du, Paige Thayer, Yan Yan, Qingsong Liu, Li Wang, and Jack Jiang
ENT - September 2020 - Intro
ENT - September 2020 - Cover1
ENT - September 2020 - Cover2
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ENT - September 2020 - The Creation of a Sustainable Otolaryngology Department in Malawi Nathan Douglas Vandjelovic, Eric Masao Sugihara, Wakisa Mulwafu, and David Nathan Madgy
ENT - September 2020 - 502
ENT - September 2020 - Hazardous Grilling Due to Wire Brushes Nima A. Vahidi, Brenna A. Keane, Paul J. Whalen, and Anita Jeyakumar
ENT - September 2020 - 504
ENT - September 2020 - Guns n’ Noses: Endoscopic Removal of an Air-Gun Pellet Retained in the Frontal Sinus Dylan A. Levy, Andrew Y. Lee, Waleed M. Abuzeid, and Nadeem A. Akbar
ENT - September 2020 - 506
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ENT - September 2020 - Vitamin D Status in Egyptian Children With Allergic Rhinitis Khaled Saad, Abobakr Abdelmoghny, Mohamed Diab Aboul-Khair, Yasser Farouk Abdel-Raheem, Eman Fathalla Gad, Ahmed El-Sayed Hammour, Bahaa Hawary, Asmaa M. Zahran, Mohamd A. Alblihed, and Amira Elhoufey
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ENT - September 2020 - 512
ENT - September 2020 - Pediatric Epistaxis and Its Correlation Between Air Pollutants in Beijing From 2014 to 2017 Ying-Xia Lu, Jie-Qiong Liang, Qing-Long Gu, Chong Pang, and Chun-Lei Huang
ENT - September 2020 - 514
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ENT - September 2020 - Otomycosis With Tympanic Membrane Perforation: A Review of the Literature Petros Koltsidopoulos and Charalampos Skoulakis
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ENT - September 2020 - 521
ENT - September 2020 - Simultaneous Bilateral Same-Day Endoscopic Myringoplasty Using Tragal Cartilage From One Ear Baklaci Deniz, Kuzucu Ihsan, Guler Ismail, Kum Rauf Oguzhan, and Ozcan Muge
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ENT - September 2020 - 527
ENT - September 2020 - A Preliminary Report on the Investigation of Prestin as a Biomarker for Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Changling Sun, Xiaolin Xuan, Zhi Zhou, Yuan Yuan, and Fei Xue
ENT - September 2020 - 529
ENT - September 2020 - 530
ENT - September 2020 - 531
ENT - September 2020 - A Retrospective Study to Identify the Relationship Between the Dimension of Osseous External Auditory Canal and Chronic Otitis Media Yi-Fang Lee, Pei-Yin Wei, Chia-Huei Chu, Wen-Huei Liao, An-Suey Shiao, and Mao-Che Wang
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ENT - September 2020 - 535
ENT - September 2020 - 536
ENT - September 2020 - Investigation of the Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment on Respiratory Functions in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Burak Kersin, Murat Karaman, Engin Aynacı, and Ahmet Keles
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ENT - September 2020 - 542
ENT - September 2020 - Changing Trends of Color of Different Laryngeal Regions in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease Chen Du, Paige Thayer, Yan Yan, Qingsong Liu, Li Wang, and Jack Jiang
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ENT - September 2020 - Cover3
ENT - September 2020 - Cover4