Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1049


Gossett et al	
Table 3.  Distribution of Total Opioid Dose Prescribed During the Peritreatment Period.a


Standard Deviation


Lower Quartile

Upper Quartile

13 088







Values given in mg, unless otherwise stated.

Stable ankle fractures are most commonly treated nonoperatively, while unstable fracture patterns often represent
more severe bony and soft tissue injuries and require operative fixation.12 In our analysis, we sought to compare how
injury severity might affect persistent opioid use by comparing surgical treatment of common unstable fracture patterns with a non-operatively treated stable ankle fracture.
Overall, the surgical cohort demonstrated a significantly
higher new persistent use rate; however, only 2 surgical
treatment subtypes, open treatment of bimalleolar ankle
fracture (9.5%) and open treatment of trimalleolar ankle
fracture with fixation of posterior lip (10.4%), demonstrated
significantly higher adjusted new persistent opioid use rates
compared with the nonoperative control group (7.4%).
While this may suggest a slight trend toward persistent opioid use being related to injury severity or procedure type, no
definitive conclusions may be drawn. Brummett et al
showed that the initial amount of opioid prescribed and
patient factors may be more related to persistent opioid use
after surgery than the severity of the procedure.7 It has also
been reported that new persistent opioid use was unrelated
to the postoperative change in pain intensity in hip and knee
arthroplasty patients, which again suggests that persistent
opioid use may not be related primarily to surgical pain.21
OME is a conversion that allows the standardized, quantifiable comparison between the dose of opioids prescribed
with that of different medications. Our study showed that
patients who received an initial opioid dose of 650 mg OME
or greater (top 25th percentile of opioid dose) during the
peritreatment period were 1.5 times more likely to have persistent opioid use, representing the single highest modifiable
risk factor for this cohort. Additionally, patients who underwent surgical treatment of an ankle fracture were nearly 10
times more likely than the nonoperative cohort to receive an
OME dose of greater than 650 mg in the peritreatment
period. This OME value, equivalent to 87 dispensed tablets
of 5 mg oxycodone or 130 tablets of 5 mg hydrocodone, is a
relatively substantial amount. A large initial narcotic dose
has been shown to be related to persistent opioid use.7,16,19,34
While the highest reported risk of persistent opioid use was
among patients who were prescribed between 400 and 799
mg OME, even patients receiving an OME dose as small as
90 mg have been linked to developing new persistent use.30
Given that the initial quantity of prescribed opiates has a
clear impact on long-term opioid use, it is especially unfortunate that physicians tend to overprescribe narcotics when
compared with the actual quantity consumed by patients.6,15,25

The rationale for providers overprescribing narcotics is
likely based on the assumption that this will mitigate refill
requests and increase patient satisfaction. Interestingly, the
amount of opioids prescribed may be unrelated to either of
those factors, and so this increased rate of new persistent
opioid use may not be linked to any clear benefit for the
patient or the provider.5,6
Persistent opioid use following surgery is a complex
and multifaceted problem, requiring a multidisciplinary
solution. Providers must first be able to identify risk factors for persistent opioid use to counsel at-risk patients.
While preoperative opioid use has been shown to be the
strongest predictor of postoperative opioid dependence,
our study focused on relevant factors in opioid-naïve
patients.5 Tobacco use, substance abuse, mental health disorders, comorbid conditions, and lower income have been
repeatedly identified as risk factors for continued opioid
use. 4,7,13,19,21,27,35 In addition to these established risk factors, our results suggest that female sex may be associated
with a higher risk of persistent opioid use, while younger
age (18-34 years) and median household income of
$100 000 or greater was associated with a lower rate of
new persistent use compared with the respective reference
groups. Interestingly, in this cohort, a previously established diagnosis of arthritis was associated with lower
rates of continued opioid use, while certain pain disorders
have been previously identified as risk factors for chronic
opioid use.4,7,13,21,27,35 Identifying and educating these atrisk patients may prove to be a valuable target to reduce
chronic opioid use.
This study has several limitations. This is a retrospective
review of a population that only included insured adults and
their dependents between 18 and 64 years old. Our results
may underestimate new persistent opioid use, as they may
not accurately estimate the rates of the uninsured, underinsured, or elderly populations. Additionally, we assumed that
patients who continued to fill opioids between 91 and 180
days postoperatively had protracted opioid use. We did not
account for possible diversion events or the quantity of opioids truly consumed. Given that these patients sustained a
traumatic injury, it is possible that opioid use was related to
a concomitant injury or diagnosis that could not be
accounted for in this model. We attempted to mitigate this
risk by excluding patients who underwent additional procedures requiring anesthesia on the same day or during the
postoperative period, as well as excluding patients with a
diagnosis of multiple trauma. Finally, closed treatment of


Foot & Ankle International - September 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Foot & Ankle International - September 2019

Ed Board
Total Ankle Arthroplasty Survival and Risk Factors for Failure
Preoperative Anxiety Effect on Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Foot and Ankle Surgery
Lateral Transfer of the Flexor Digitorum Longus for Peroneal Tendinopathy
Clinical Outcomes of Osteochondral Lesions of the Tibial Plafond Following Arthroscopic Microfracture
Patients At Risk for Exceeding CJR Cost Targets After Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Value of Preoperative Imaging and Intraoperative Histopathology in Morton Neuroma
Radiographic Outcomes of Mobile-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty for Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
New Persistent Opioid Use and Associated Risk Factors Following Treatment of Ankle Fractures
Learning Curve for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fracture by Extensile Lateral Approach Using the Cumulative Summation Control Chart
Short-Term Radiographic Outcomes of Calcaneus Fractures Treated With 2-Incision, Minimally Invasive Approach
Recombinant Human Platelet–Derived Growth Factor BB in Combination With a Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate (rhPDGF-BB/β-TCP)-Collagen Matrix as an Alternative to Autograft
Radiographic Assessment of Foot Alignment in Juvenile Hallux Valgus and Its Relationship to Flatfoot
Evaluation of Syndesmosis Reduction on CT Scan
Effect of Subtalar Fusion and Calcaneal Osteotomy on Function, Pain, and Gait Mechanics for Calcaneal Malunion
Dynamic First Tarsometatarsal Instability During Gait Evaluated by Pedobarographic Examination in Patients With Hallux Valgus
Pain Management and the Opioid Crisis 2019
Education Calendar
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Intro
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Cover1
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Cover2
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - i
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Verso
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - iii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - TOC 1
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - v
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - TOC 2
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - vii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - viii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1A
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1B
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - ix
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Ed Board
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xi
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 2A
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 2B
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xiii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xiv
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xv
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xvi
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xvii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xviii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xix
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xx
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xxi
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xxii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xxiii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - xxiv
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Total Ankle Arthroplasty Survival and Risk Factors for Failure
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 998
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 999
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1000
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1001
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1002
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1003
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1004
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1005
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1006
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Preoperative Anxiety Effect on Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Foot and Ankle Surgery
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1008
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1009
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1010
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1011
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Lateral Transfer of the Flexor Digitorum Longus for Peroneal Tendinopathy
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1013
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1014
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1015
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1016
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1017
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Clinical Outcomes of Osteochondral Lesions of the Tibial Plafond Following Arthroscopic Microfracture
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1019
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1020
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1021
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1022
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1023
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1024
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Patients At Risk for Exceeding CJR Cost Targets After Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1026
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1027
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1028
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1029
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1030
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1031
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Value of Preoperative Imaging and Intraoperative Histopathology in Morton Neuroma
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1033
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1034
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1035
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1036
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Radiographic Outcomes of Mobile-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty for Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1038
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1039
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1040
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1041
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1042
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - New Persistent Opioid Use and Associated Risk Factors Following Treatment of Ankle Fractures
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1044
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1045
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1046
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1047
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1048
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1049
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1050
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1051
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Learning Curve for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fracture by Extensile Lateral Approach Using the Cumulative Summation Control Chart
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1053
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1054
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1055
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1056
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1057
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1058
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1059
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Short-Term Radiographic Outcomes of Calcaneus Fractures Treated With 2-Incision, Minimally Invasive Approach
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1061
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1062
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1063
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1064
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1065
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1066
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1067
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Recombinant Human Platelet–Derived Growth Factor BB in Combination With a Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate (rhPDGF-BB/β-TCP)-Collagen Matrix as an Alternative to Autograft
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1069
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1070
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1071
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1072
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1073
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1074
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1075
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1076
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1077
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1078
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Radiographic Assessment of Foot Alignment in Juvenile Hallux Valgus and Its Relationship to Flatfoot
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1080
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1081
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1082
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1083
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1084
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1085
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1086
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Evaluation of Syndesmosis Reduction on CT Scan
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1088
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1089
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1090
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1091
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1092
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1093
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Effect of Subtalar Fusion and Calcaneal Osteotomy on Function, Pain, and Gait Mechanics for Calcaneal Malunion
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1095
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1096
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1097
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1098
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1099
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1100
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1101
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1102
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1103
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Dynamic First Tarsometatarsal Instability During Gait Evaluated by Pedobarographic Examination in Patients With Hallux Valgus
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1105
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1106
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1107
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1108
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1109
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Pain Management and the Opioid Crisis 2019
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Education Calendar
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 1112
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 3A
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - 3B
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Cover3
Foot & Ankle International - September 2019 - Cover4