Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1123
Choi et al
postoperative TT was 7.3 degrees of preoperative TT.
Furthermore, 4 cases with postoperative complications (1
deep infection followed by early implant removal, 1 fibular
osteotomy site nonunion, and 2 tibial implant breakages) were
excluded, as we concluded that these cases were unnecessary
to judge the isolated effect of the osteotomy. Finally, 31
patients were included in the study. Of the 31 total patients,
the mean age was 61.5 ± 7.3 years, and 17 were male. The
operation was performed on the right side in 18 patients.
Operative Technique and Aftercare
Figure 1. Asymmetric pressure concentration on the medial talar
dome worsened after low tibial osteotomy for ankle arthritis with
10 degrees of varus talar tilt (A, preoperative; B, postoperative).
To our knowledge, there have been no studies focusing
on the factors that contribute to successful correction of
largely varus TT with LTO. We hypothesized that LTO
could be an effective option for more significant varus tilt in
some situations. Therefore, we addressed the current debate
with the following research questions: efficacy of LTO for
more significant varus ankle arthritis, the effect of additional inframalleolar correction followed by LTO, and the
preoperative or operation-related factors influencing postoperative TT decrease.
This study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all
patients enrolled, and our institution's ethical review committee approved the study. The patient selection algorithm is
shown in the online supplemental material. In this study, we
retrospectively reviewed the radiographic and clinical findings of patients who underwent LTO between January 2008
and January 2018 for varus ankle arthritis with no paralytic
pes cavovarus deformity. Initially, 95 cases (91 patients) were
evaluated. Of these, patients were excluded if they had less
than 2 years of follow-up (10 cases) and/or systemic inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout (5 cases).
Furthermore, 12 additional cases were excluded due to angular deformities of the proximal tibia and severe bony and/or
soft tissue injuries around the ankle. Among the remaining
cases, we selected only the patients with ≥8 degrees of preoperative varus TT (33 cases excluded), based on the opinion
by Lee et al20 that the optimal threshold for predicting high
Initially, open or arthroscopic examination of the medial
ankle joint with synovectomy was performed. In the open
group (29 cases), multiple drilling was done on the cartilagedenuded medial talar dome, while the microfracture technique was done through the arthroscopic approach (2 cases).
Then, a 4- to 5-cm longitudinal incision was made on the
medial supramalleolar area at the osteotomy site, starting at 5
cm proximal to the joint line. An oblique osteotomy was
made from medial to lateral going to the safe zone of the
syndesmosis.23 The osteotomy site was opened, and the gap
was filled with tricortical autograft from the anterosuperior
iliac crest (26 cases) or metal block combined with mixed
allogenous and autogenous bone graft (5 cases). The goal of
the surgery was to achieve a slight valgus overcorrection (2-5
degrees).10 The graft size to maintain the osteotomy opening
was measured intraoperatively after planned correction was
successfully achieved under fluoroscopy.
To secure the osteotomy site firmly, the plate and screws
were fixed. Then, additional fibular osteotomy was performed 0.5 to 1 cm proximal to the tibial osteotomy site in
26 cases. In the early cases, a decision for a fibular osteotomy was determined intraoperatively after LTO. After some
initial cases, we routinely added the fibular osteotomy, as
we believed that fibular osteotomy would be beneficial to
correct the varus TT.11,26 Then, complete deltoid ligament
release from the medial malleolus was performed in all
cases. An additional modified Broström operation was performed in 10 cases when the persistent lateral ankle instability was observed after LTO.
Operations were performed by 2 surgeons. Postoperatively, weightbearing was prohibited in a below-knee cast
for 6 weeks. Then, partial weightbearing without a cast was
permitted, and full weightbearing was allowed from 3
months postoperatively when adequate radiographic bony
union was achieved. Hardware removal was performed in
25 cases, with additional second-look examination of the
medial talar dome cartilage in 2 out of 25 cases.
We divided the patients into 2 subgroups according to the
combined inframalleolar correctional operation. LTO alone
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Foot & Ankle International - September 2020
Ed Board
Comparison Between Polyvinyl Alcohol Implant and Cheilectomy With Moberg Osteotomy for Hallux Rigidus
Association of Strength Following Achilles Tendon Repair With Return to Same Level of Play in High-Level Athletes
Prevalence of Abnormal Ultrasound Findings in Asymptomatic Posterior Tibial Tendons
Clinical Outcomes of the Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Hydrogel Implant for Hallux Rigidus
Patterns and Implications of Early Syndesmotic Screw Failure in Rotational Ankle Fractures
Clinical Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Ultrasound-Assisted Bioabsorbable Suture Anchor in Foot and Ankle Surgeries
Percutaneous Transosseous Suture Fixation of the Akin Osteotomy and Minimally Invasive Chevron
Outcomes of Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Implant of the Lesser Metatarsals
Matrix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (MACI) Grafting for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Correlation of 3D Joint Space Width From Weightbearing CT With Outcomes After Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture
Effect of Tranexamic Acid on Wound Complications and Blood Loss in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Low Tibial Valgization Osteotomy for More Severe Varus Ankle Arthritis
Anterocentral Portal in Ankle Arthroscopy
Computed Tomographic Validation of the Center-Center Radiographic Technique for Syndesmosis Fixation Axis Alignment in Normal Ankles
Peritalar Kinematics With Combined Deltoid-Spring Ligament Reconstruction in Simulated Advanced Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Biomechanical Effect on Joint Stability of Including Deltoid Ligament Repair in an Ankle Fracture Soft Tissue Injury Model With Deltoid and Syndesmotic Disruption
Corrigendum: Effect of Severity of Deformity on Clinical Outcomes of Scarf Osteotomies
Education Calendar
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - CT1
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - CT2
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Cover1
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Cover2
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - i
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - TOC 1
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - iii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Verso
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - v
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Ed Board
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - vii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - viii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 2A
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 2B
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - ix
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - x
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1A
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1B
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xi
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xiii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xiv
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xv
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xvi
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xvii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xviii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xix
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xx
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xxi
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xxii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xxiii
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xxiv
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xxv
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - xxvi
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Comparison Between Polyvinyl Alcohol Implant and Cheilectomy With Moberg Osteotomy for Hallux Rigidus
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1032
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1033
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1034
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1035
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1036
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1037
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1038
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1039
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1040
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Association of Strength Following Achilles Tendon Repair With Return to Same Level of Play in High-Level Athletes
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1042
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1043
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1044
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1045
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1046
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1047
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1048
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Prevalence of Abnormal Ultrasound Findings in Asymptomatic Posterior Tibial Tendons
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1050
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1051
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1052
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1053
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1054
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1055
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Clinical Outcomes of the Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Hydrogel Implant for Hallux Rigidus
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1057
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1058
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1059
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1060
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1061
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1062
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1063
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1064
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Patterns and Implications of Early Syndesmotic Screw Failure in Rotational Ankle Fractures
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1066
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1067
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1068
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1069
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1070
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1071
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1072
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Clinical Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Ultrasound-Assisted Bioabsorbable Suture Anchor in Foot and Ankle Surgeries
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1074
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1075
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1076
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1077
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1078
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Percutaneous Transosseous Suture Fixation of the Akin Osteotomy and Minimally Invasive Chevron
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1080
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1081
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1082
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1083
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1084
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1085
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1086
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1087
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1088
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1089
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1090
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1091
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Outcomes of Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Implant of the Lesser Metatarsals
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1093
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1094
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1095
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1096
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1097
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1098
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Matrix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (MACI) Grafting for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1100
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1101
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1102
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1103
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1104
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1105
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Correlation of 3D Joint Space Width From Weightbearing CT With Outcomes After Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1107
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1108
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1109
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1110
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1111
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1112
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1113
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1114
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1115
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1116
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Effect of Tranexamic Acid on Wound Complications and Blood Loss in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1118
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1119
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1120
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1121
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Low Tibial Valgization Osteotomy for More Severe Varus Ankle Arthritis
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1123
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1124
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1125
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1126
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1127
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1128
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1129
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1130
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1131
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1132
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Anterocentral Portal in Ankle Arthroscopy
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1134
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1135
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1136
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1137
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1138
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1139
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1140
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1141
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1142
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Computed Tomographic Validation of the Center-Center Radiographic Technique for Syndesmosis Fixation Axis Alignment in Normal Ankles
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1144
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1145
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1146
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1147
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1148
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Peritalar Kinematics With Combined Deltoid-Spring Ligament Reconstruction in Simulated Advanced Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1150
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1151
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1152
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1153
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1154
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1155
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1156
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1157
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Biomechanical Effect on Joint Stability of Including Deltoid Ligament Repair in an Ankle Fracture Soft Tissue Injury Model With Deltoid and Syndesmotic Disruption
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1159
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1160
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1161
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1162
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1163
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 1164
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Corrigendum: Effect of Severity of Deformity on Clinical Outcomes of Scarf Osteotomies
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Education Calendar
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 3A
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 3B
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Cover3
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - Cover4
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 4A
Foot & Ankle International - September 2020 - 4B