2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 3
Over 60 percent of those persons seeking
help in times of emotional stress and
trauma are women. Many of them need
financial assistance to pay for the counseling care they seek. Women experiencing transitions in their lives may not have
access to insurance and are often unable
to pay full fee for services they need.
History of the Silent Samaritans:
Initiated in 1996, the Silent
Samaritan idea attracted over 150
women who contributed $100 each
to establish the fund. Now, over
1,600 women have contributed to
the fund, bringing the total raised
to over $1,400,000 for the Silent
Samaritan Fund. In 2020 alone,
more than 250 women have
donated over $35,000!
Behind the Scenes: Each
January, a group of dedicated
volunteers begin to plan for
the luncheon. Surveys completed at the luncheon are reviewed. Ideas for the menu,
speakers, topics and other
suggestions for improving the
luncheon are discussed. Over
the course of the year, the
luncheon planning culminates
in what each year's committee hopes will be the best luncheon yet!
Thanks to your contribution to the Silent Samaritan Fund, women in need
can receive quality professional counseling. They may also participate in
groups and attend educational programs sponsored by the Samaritan
Counseling Center.
Thank you for being a Silent Samaritan!
2020 Silent Samaritan Program
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2020 Silent Samaritan Program
Event Schedule
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Cover1
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Event Schedule
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 3
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 4
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 5
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 6
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 7
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 8
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 9
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 10
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 11
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 12
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 13
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 14
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Cover3
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Cover4