2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 7

202 0 Silent Samaritan E vent Sponsors:
Each of the following individuals or businesses contributed
goods or funds so that the donations raised by the Silent
Samaritan Luncheon could go to women in need of counseling services.

Champion Sponsor:

Supporting Sponsors:

Giving Sponsors:

https://tigerseyelititz.com/ https://www.atwatermalick.com/ https://www.thegroffs.com/ https://bertzhess.com/ https://reallancastercounty.com/shops/consignment-resale-thrift-lancaster-county-pa/charitable-thrift-shops-lancaster-county-pa/matthew-25-thrift-shop/ https://www.lancasterpt.com/ https://www.strasburgrailroad.com/ https://www.moravianmanorcommunities.org/

2020 Silent Samaritan Program

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2020 Silent Samaritan Program

Event Schedule
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Cover1
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Event Schedule
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 3
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 4
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 5
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 6
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 7
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 8
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 9
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 10
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 11
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 12
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 13
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - 14
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Cover3
2020 Silent Samaritan Program - Cover4