(a) Modeling details of AEWC coupon. (b) Actual FEM & simulation of boundary condition without end fixtures. Figure 7. Finite element model description of AEWC coupon. Progressive Failure Analysis of Pristine Coupon Progressive failure analysis of the AEWC coupons was performed by adopting the damage model mentioned in the previous section. This model is capable of simulating fiber and matrix damages using 2-D stress state. Upon a closer examination of the loading and geometric configuration of this coupon, it was inferred that delamination between plies or any sub-assemblies was not an issue and hence the finite element model was developed to simulate only fiber and matrix damages. The posttest finite element model is presented in Figure 7 showing various components of the joint and boundary conditions. The frames at the ends of the coupon were not modeled explicitly but the influence of it was simulated by appropriately con- ADVANCED NONWOVENS FOR COMPOSITES FROM TECHNICAL FIBRE PRODUCTS INC. MULTIPLE BENEFITS FROM USING A SINGLE MATERIAL! HIGH QUALITY SURFACE FINISH ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY ADHESIVE CARRIER FRACTURE TOUGHNESS IMPROVEMENT RESIN FLOW MEDIA EMI SHIELDING FIRE PROTECTION ABRASION RESISTANCE CORROSION RESISTANCE WWW.TFPGLOBAL.COM INQUIRIES@TFPGLOBAL.COM * 1 518 280 8500 * TFP IS A JAMES CROPPER COMPANY SAMPE Journal Print Ad - 2019.indd 3 w w w. s a m p e . o r g 11/02/2019 10:06 M AY/J U N E 2 0 2 0 | SAMPE JOURNAL | 15http://WWW.TFPGLOBAL.COM http://www.sampe.org