FEATURE / AFP INSPECTION Figure 1. ACSIS in operation. phasis on the development of a user interface (UI) relevant to the USC ML algorithms described in12, represents scientific worth. The inclusion of an easily interpretable UI elevates our system to a full inspection tool that allows for operator integration, classification correction, and data management and storage through an off-site server. EXPERIMENTAL PROCESS Data Acquisition The collection of data for analysis is done through the Automated Composite Structure Inspection System (ACSIS) developed by Ingersoll Machine Tools. The data acquisition is accomplished using 4 Keyence LJ-V7080 profilometers mounted to a Kuka KR120 robotic arm Figure 1. The profilometers are used to capture a 2D height profile of a surface. This height data is then batched and stitched 36 | SAMPE JOURNAL | Figure 2. A grayscale image of AFP part from profilometer scan. together to create a 3D mapping of a surface. The ACSIS software then translates this height data into a grayscale image that has smoothing and contrasting operations performed to provide a clear and interpretable scan of a part as is shown in Figure 2, which shows a part of a scanned course. We can see the differences in the grayscale indicating the differences in the height profiles. The darker patches indicate a lower a dip in the surface while a lighter patch indicates an elevated surface. Through differentiating between these patterns, we distinguish the different defects types, and in turn train the FCN. It should be noted that this is a pre-cure system. ACSIS is intended for use principally with thermoset carbon tows, though there are some preliminary results indicating its ability to capture some dry fiber materials. After inspection, our defect data is logged on a server constructed from a Raspberry Pi 3b+ hosting a MySQL database. The database that was setup for the USC system is conceived in a manner that facilitates communication between three in-house projects. The latter necessitate access to the AFP defects database and to export the information in FE format for further analysis. The server is linked into the lab network, and thus is platform independent and discoverable from any machine on M AY/J U N E 2 0 2 0 w w w. s a m p e . o r ghttps://www.pccomposites.com/ http://www.sampe.org