Distribution Centers (DCs) DCs with Prepreg Freezer Storage Additional Stock Points North Region South Region East Region West Region Eastern Canada North America's most expansive advanced composites materials distribution network including prepreg freezer storage at several locations. Go to compositesone. com/prepregfreezer. Get the Power of Partnership. Composites One Choose from the broadest, deepest line of high performance products from the industry's top suppliers. When you partner with Composites One, you'll work with a dedicated team of PEOPLE, from Advanced Composites sales specialists and technical market managers who understand the challenges you face, to regional customer service reps and local support teams at over 44 North American distribution centers, including those with onsite prepreg freezer storage and six AS9120 certified distribution centers. You'll gain access to the industry's broadest range of high performance PRODUCTS, learn about innovative PROCESSES that can help your business grow, and get the PERFORMANCE you should expect from the nation's leading advanced composites distributor. That's the power of Partnership. The Power of One - Composites One. 800.621.8003 | www.compositesone.com | www.b2bcomposites.com w w w. s a m p e . o r g M AY/J U N E 2 0 2 0 | SAMPE JOURNAL Find everything you need at compositesone.com. | 9https://www.compositesone.com/product/prepreg/ https://www.compositesone.com/product/prepreg/ http://www.compositesone.com http://www.b2bcomposites.com http://www.compositesone.com