Resin Storage Modules (MPa) With GY285 3a5610 35700 35900 5292B-PPA BisA-PPA BisM-PPA 5292B-FA BisA-FA BisF-FA Thio-FA With MY0610 35610 35700 35900 5292B-PPA BisA-PPA BisM-PPA 5292B-FA BisA-FA BisF-FA Thio-FA 3086 2937 3763 3374 3349 3131 3162 3538 3433 3202 E' onset Tg (o C) 134 130 141 147 189 155 113 131 132 134 Loss Modulus Peak (o C) 148 149 154 171 203 170 137 155 157 157 Tan δ Peak (o C) 158 164 166 191 229 200 163 188 191 190 5% Weight Loss (o C, in N2 360 362 346 309 304 357 340 345 341 ) Char Yield at 800o (%, in N2 31 41 39 31 30 36 41 49 48 C ) 2865 3322 3715 3444 3488 3359 3574 3834 3493 3058 220 214 225 221 239 225 204 221 221 216 240 231 233 236 247 234 207 234 226 232 Table 4. Curing result of benzoxazine and epoxy. Thermal stability was reduced in most case as expected. The reduction of char yield percentage of the co-polymer with epoxy resin is reduce by around 10 points. The decreasing of 5% weight loss temperature in nitrogen varies wildly, from almost no change for aniline benzoxazine/GY285 to oven 100°C different with Propargylamine/610 mixture. Even though, those furfuryl amine benzoxazine mixture still better than the aniline benzoxazine mixture or propargylamine benzoxazine/epoxy mixture. Co-Polymerization of Benzoxazine and Matrimid 5292A Matrimid 5292A is the bismaleimide manufactured by Huntsman Corporation. It has been used for very high temperature composition in aerospace industry. It has a melting point about 159°C, and DSC scan at 10°C/min indicate its exotherm peak at 273°C. The blend with benzoxazine often boost the Tg and thermal stability. In our initial test, for www. 260 254 261 259 268 245 236 257 253 257 348 349 343 321 303 298 343 334 339 333 33 37 39 32(750o 34 36 39 41 47 48 C) Figure 3. DSC of benzoxazine and BMI. JULY AUGUST 2022 | SAMPE JOURNAL | 61