Precision Tooling Starts With Precision Board Stock available and ready to ship! With its roots in Aerospace, Precision Board High-Density Urethane Tooling Board is specifically engineered to meet the demands of a broad range of tooling and tool making applications. Both PBLT Tooling Board (<200º F) and PBHT Tooling Board (<300º F) possess excellent machining characteristics and dimensional stability for tool making. Precision Board HDU Tooling Board is ideal for soft tooling and rapid prototyping because it can be more rapidly machined and is more economical than alloy or epoxy-based alternatives. Precision Board Advantages: * Custom Bonded Blocks * Large sheet sizes up to 5' x 10' * Any thickness up to 24 " * 16 standard densities to 75pcf * Turnaround time of DAYS, not WEEKS * Certified Green - Made in the USA Call today for a quote: (800) 845-0745 PRECISION BOARD COASTAL ENTERPRISES MANUFACTURED B Y www.precisionboard.com