PULSEPOINTS with curbside until the pandemic gets under control. That is likely going to be a lonnnnnnng time from now. Opening should not be rushed. New variants are not necessarily protected against by vaccination and everyone needs to feel safe. We will likely limit the amount of time of clients within the building when we eventually allow them in. We'll still offer curbside for those who are uncomfortable with possible Covid exposure. I think it is time for veterinarians to allow clients into their buildings with facial coverings, whether or not they are vaccinated. We are allowed to go to the dentist and medical offices, laboratories for blood work and special diagnostic imaging like MRI, CT, mammogram, radiographs. In all of these cases we have closer and more direct contact with the staff of these facilities than [we do] at a veterinary hospital. Clients are reacting very negatively to this prolonged closure. Curbside service has actually made things more efficient and helped us to run more smoothly compared to inperson service we had before. Could never really do curbside. Two of the staff were COVID + in the last year, but were exposed outside the practice. Never shut down, never missed a beat. I know that not all clients are happy with curb-side service. I know it is harder on techs. I do think we provide just as good care to patients and I actually feel more in control of the conversation when we are just on the phone with clients. There is less emotion from clients and it is less of an emotional strain on me. I am fine if we continue to stay curbside until we feel it is safe for everyone. I THINK IS TIME TO GET BACK TO BUSINESS. PULSE JUNE 2021 SCVMA VIRTUAL LUNCH AND LEARNS All sessions offer one hour of live interactive CE credits. Check www.scvma.org/calendar-of-events/ for registration availability. June 2 - Dr. Vinnie Dam on Inventory Management in COVID times and beyond. June 7 - Drs. Brad Ryan and Johanna Cooper on Vector-borne Diseases: Understanding Testing and Maintaining Standards of Care. June 15 - Dr. Patsy Douglas on Veterinary Compounding in Modern Practice June 22 - Dr. Stephen Ettinger on Canine Heart Disease-Cardalis? June 24 - Dr. Marie Rush on Avian Radiology Basics and Case Studies. 9http://www.scvma.org/calendar-of-events/