I would be remiss if I didn't thank God the most high for blessing me beyond measure and bestowing his grace and mercy upon my life. God has been and continues to be faithful on His promises even when I have been less than deserving and He continues to guide me in all I do. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank my partner Martina. She has been my rock and my biggest supporter through all of this. She has taken the kids out when I needed to conduct SEAHO business and they were a little too rambunctious. She has been there when I've needed SEAHO time over the weekend and throughout the week. She has been unwavering in supporting me and standing in the gap for me in my other duties and I love her dearly. It is my sincere hope that I have adequately carried the torch of leadership that has been set forth by previous presidents. Leading in the year of COVID has not been easy, but it has been an honor that I don't take lightly. Peace and blessings to you SEAHO Nyerere Tryman SEAHO President 2020-2021 president@seaho.org 4